Pre-Long Beach US - page 118

Session One - Sunday, January 25, 2015 10:00 am
1848 N-28 R1 AU55
. Choice lustrous medium steel brown
and light chocolate. Satiny mint frost covers the fields and pro-
tected areas on both sides. There are a few light contact marks
on the cheek and a thin nick-like planchet void in the field left of
star 8. Just a touch of rub on the highest points from mint state.
Nicely struck E-MDS, die state b early. The fine die line connect-
ing the bottom of the N in ONE to the right top of the E in CENT
is clear and a new dull die line connects the tops of the second
S in STATES and the O in OF.
Estimated Value .......................................................$200-UP
1848 N-28 R1 AU55
. A lustrous mint state cent but the ton-
ing on the obverse a mottled blend of frosty bluish steel and
light olive mixed with areas of lighter reddish brown toning. The
only contact marks worthy of note are a tiny nick on the coronet
over the B in LIBERTY and a pinprick in the field under the left
point of star 8. E-MDS, die state b. The die lines behind ON and
EN are clear.
Removed from an NGC slab graded MS61BN
(NGC label #3313377-008 included, and it shows the attribu-
Estimated Value .......................................................$200-UP
Ex McCawley & Grellman Auctions 9/21/1991:140-R. S. Brown,
Jr.-Tom Reynolds 10/7/2011-Rod Burress 11/2/2011 (lot ticket
and Robbie Brown collection envelope included)
1848 N-31 R3 AU50
. Sharpness near mint state but lightly
cleaned and nicely retoned glossy medium chocolate brown
with traces of lighter reddish steel brown toning in a few of the
protected areas. The only mark is a small planchet lamination
over the right top of the N in UNITED, as struck. Sharply struck
E-MDS, die state b, with fine die roughness around the legend
outside the wreath and just a hint of sinking at TED-STAT.
Estimated Value .......................................................$150-UP
Ex Doug Durasoff
1848 N-32 R5 F12+
. Slightly sharper with a few too many
light contact marks for the higher grade. A dull diagonal nick
between the bust tip and star 1 and another close under the
earlobe are the only notable marks. Nice glossy light to medium
chocolate brown with smooth surfaces. MDS with the always-
present die crack from the second S in STATES through the
wreath to RI in AMERICA. A decent example of a rare variety
that seldom comes in higher grade. Tied for CC#15 in the Grell-
man census.
Estimated Value .......................................................$150-UP
From the "57th Street Hoard"
Pair of 1848 Cents, both Rare Varieties
. Includes N-33 R5-
EDS VF30 net VF20 for some light scratches on the obverse
(removed from an NGC slab graded AU Details, Scratches, label
#3313377-012 included), and N-42 R5 MDS F15 (tied for
CC#15). A decent pair of these rare varieties. Lot of 2 coins.
Estimated Value .......................................................$100-UP
Ex Doug Durasoff
1848 N-34
1848 N-34 R5- AU50+
. Very attractive frosty medium
brown and light chocolate with just a touch of friction on
the highest points of the devices. Essentially flawless
except for a spot of darker toning in the dentils over the left
top of the U in UNITED and a few more in the dentils over
ME in AMERICA. Otherwise this cent is a solid AU55. VEDS.
All the fine die lines are clear and the fields on both sides
exhibit a hint of reflectivity. CC#6 in the Grellman census
for this rare variety.
Estimated Value ................................................. $750-UP
1848 N-35 R2 PCGS graded MS63 Brown
. Glossy steel
brown and light chocolate with frosty mint luster covering the
fields and protected areas. Generous traces of mint red remain
visible on both sides. A swipe of reddish chocolate toning at star
12 and a small spot of similar toning on the tip of the chin are
the notable marks. Nicely struck E-MDS, die state a. The spike
from the hair above the I in LIBERTY is sharp and the fields are
smooth showing only microscopic flowlines.
Our grade is
tied for CC#10 in the Grellman census. The attribution is
shown on the PCGS label.
Estimated Value .......................................................$300-UP
Ex R. Azzarella 1/2013-Doug Durasoff
1848 N-37 R4+ VF35+
. Close to EF40 but there are a few
too many light contact marks for the higher grade. The notable
marks are two light horizontal nicks on the front edge of the
neck and a very light scrape in the field under the chin. Glossy
light olive and medium brown with frosty luster showing in pro-
tected areas on the reverse. EDS. CC#12 in the Grellman cen-
Estimated Value .......................................................$300-UP
Ex Teletrade 3/30/2011:1026-Doug Durasoff
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