Pre-Long Beach US - page 139

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Large Cents
1854 N-7 R2 Repunched 1 & 4 AU58
. Glossy steel brown
and chocolate with underlying faded mint color bleeding
through in the fields and protected areas on both sides. No spot
or stains and essentially no wear at all. However there is a low
spot covering the lower half of the portrait (caused by debris on
the die, which is quite common on this variety for some rea-
son), and the low spot dulls the details in the affected areas.
The only marks are a few nicks on the rim at stars 11-12 and
under the date, plus a small planchet chip in the field between
star 11 and the hair bun (as struck). LDS, die state b. The
repunching on the 1 & 4 is dull and barely visible.
Estimated Value .......................................................$200-UP
Ex Dan Bailey-Ed Leitner-Doug Durasoff
1854 N-8 R1 PCGS graded MS66 Brown
. Lustrous steel
brown and light chocolate with generous traces of mint color
remaining on both sides. Sharply struck and very attractive;
hence the lofty grade assigned by PCGS. No spots or stains. The
only defects are a few light, unobtrusive contact marks, includ-
ing a dull nick on the coronet over IB and a very thin horizontal
nick on the nose above the nostril. Sharply struck EDS, die state
a (a rare die state in mint state).
Our grade is MS62+, very
close to MS63.
Not in the overall condition census for the vari-
ety but tied for finest known honors among those known in the
early die state. The attribution is shown on the PCGS label.
Estimated Value .................................................... $1,000-UP
Ex 1996 EAC Sale 5/4/1996:369-H. Craig Hamling 6/2000-Doug
1854 N-9 R2 PCGS graded MS65 Brown
. The so-called
"Dartboard Obverse" variety. Lustrous steel brown and light
chocolate with peeps of mint red showing on both sides. Very
attractive and nearly void of marks. The only defect is a faint
spot of slightly darker toning under the left point of star 5. LDS,
die state c. The fields are covered with die flowlines including
one from the left end of the base of the 1 down to the space
between two dentils. The stray 1 is still clearly visible in the
right side of the ear, the curve of an 8 is visible in the space
right of the Y in LIBERTY, and traces of the crossbar and base of
a 4 can be seen in the hair over the right side of the 5 in the
date. Why were these numerals randomly punched into the
obverse die so far from the date position? Rum rations? Bore-
dom? Nobody knows, but it makes for a neat die variety.
grade is MS60,
tied for CC#10 in the Grellman census. The
attribution is shown on the PCGS label.
Estimated Value .......................................................$750-UP
Ex Tom Reynolds-R. S. Brown, Jr., McCawley & Grellman Auc-
tions/Superior 6/1998:757-unknown-Heritage Auctions 6/2011-
Doug Durasoff
1854 N-9 R2 AU55
. The so-called "Dartboard Obverse" vari-
ety. Lustrous medium brown and light chocolate with a peep of
very faded mint color on the reverse. Excellent eye appeal
showing only a hint of friction on the highest points of the
devices. The only mark is a dull nick on the rim under the 4 in
the date. E-MDS, die state b. A very shallow low spot covers
most of the cheek and neck, as struck. The stray 1 punched into
the right side of the ear is strong and the fields are just starting
to show fine radial die flowlines. A nice example of this popular
Estimated Value .......................................................$150-UP
1854 N-11 R2 NGC graded MS63 Brown
. Lustrous medium
chocolate brown with a few faint peeps of very faded mint color
in protected areas. The surfaces are satiny and the eye appeal
of this cent is quite nice. No spots or stains, only a few trivial
contact marks. A small nick close over the front edge of the
eyebrow and a tiny rim nick at star 11 are the best identifying
marks, and they are barely visible. LDS, die state c. The fields
are flowlined and the bases of the 1 & 4 are connected to the
dentils by flowlines.
Our grade is MS60+,
tied for CC#15 in
the Grellman census.
Estimated Value .......................................................$200-UP
Ex Apogee Coins 11/2012-Doug Durasoff
1854 N-14 R2 Repunched 4 MS63
. Lustrous medium steel
brown with at least 20% of the mint red remaining, mostly on
the reverse. Great eye appeal; only a few minor marks from
flawless. A small spot of darker toning at the dentil tips left of
star 3, a few very light nicks on the rim at star 4, and a speck of
dark toning over the upright of the E in ONE are the notable
marks. MDS, die state a late. The repunching inside the triangle
of the 4 is dull and the die lines over NIT in UNITED are weak
but still visible. Tied for CC#8 in the Grellman census.
Estimated Value .......................................................$400-UP
Ex 1985 ANA Sale, Heritage, lot 101-Del Bland (includes the lot
ticket, Bland collection envelope, and the Bland provenance
1854 N-17 R1 AU55
. Mint state sharpness but nicely recol-
ored frosty olive brown and steel mixed with medium chocolate.
A rim nick under the 4 is the only notable mark. Sharply struck
E-MDS, die state b. The die lines on the left side of the reverse
are dull but still visible while the ones from the dentils at stars
2-4 are gone.
Estimated Value .......................................................$150-UP
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