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1796 S-112 R4+ Draped Bust F12
. Attractive glossy
medium chocolate brown and steel. The surfaces are smooth,
free of any trace of roughness or verdigris. The only notable
marks are a rim bruise left of the lower curls, a small planchet
chip left of the eye (as struck), and three small rim nicks on the
reverse. LDS, Breen state IV. The die crack from the dentils
through the second T in STATES into the leaves below is clear
and obvious swelling weakens the legend inside the wreath.
Otherwise the legends are strong and the date is bold. A nice
example of this tough die variety.
Estimated Value ....................................................... $600-UP
From the Charles Skiendzielewski collection
1796 S-114 R5- Draped Bust G4+
. Perhaps a point sharper
but there are two rim bumps on the left side of the obverse.
Otherwise the surfaces are smooth and attractive showing only
a few trivial contact marks. Glossy chocolate brown with lighter
steel brown toning on the devices. EDS, before any new die
cracks. The date is clear and the legends are complete except
for weakness at MERI.
Estimated Value ....................................................... $400-UP
Ex Ed Miller Collection
1796 S-118 R5+ Draped Bust AG3
. Sharpness VG7 with
fine to moderate corrosion covering the planchet, strongest on
the reverse. No verdigris or notable contact marks. Dark steel
brown and chocolate with areas of reddish chocolate on the
reverse. EDS. The date and legends are easily readable.
Estimated Value ....................................................... $400-UP
Ex Larry Briggs-Ed Miller Collection
LDS 1796 NC-4
1796 NC-4 R5+ Draped Bust G5
. A point or two sharper
with numerous old, light scratches on the portrait. Otherwise
the surfaces and eye appeal of this cent are quite nice. A glass
reveals extremely fine granularity in protected areas but the
toning is a decent glossy olive brown and dark steel. The bot-
tom edge of the date is starting to flow into the rim below but it
is easily readable and the legends are clear. Extremely rare LDS
with a clearly sunken retained cud break over ATES in STATES.
A very rare variety in its own right and an even bigger prize for
the die state specialist.
Estimated Value ....................................................... $500-UP
Ex Ed Miller Collection
Trio of 1797 Cents
. Includes S-121b R3- Gripped Edge with
Reverse of 1795 EDS G6 net G4 for fine roughness, S-126 R3
EDS VG10 net VG7 for microscopic granularity, and S-135 R3 M-
LDS G5+ net G4 for some rim dents. All have a clear date. Lot
of 3 coins.
Estimated Value .......................................................$100-UP
Ex Ed Miller Collection
1797 S-122 R5+ G5
. Sharpness VG10, perhaps even a bit
better on the reverse, but fine roughness covers the protected
areas on both sides. Some of the roughness has been smoothed
away, particularly on the obverse, and the date is relatively
weak thanks to scraping in that area. The legends are strong.
Dark steel brown and olive mixed with some lighter chocolate
brown. EDS but not quite the earliest state, Breen state II.
Estimated Value .......................................................$300-UP
Ex Joe V. Dooley, McCawley & Grellman Auctions 1/11/
1997:220-Mac MacDonald, Heritage 9/1997:5110-Jack Wadling-
ton-Chris McCawley 8/2005-Evan Kopald-Chris McCawley-Ed
Miller Collection (Dooley lot ticket included)
1797 S-123 R4 VF25
. Five points sharper but there is a light
scratch well hidden in the hair from the shoulder to right of the
ribbon knot plus another over the N in ONE. Otherwise this cent
is choice and the eye appeal is outstanding for the grade.
Glossy uniform light chocolate brown with smooth, flawless sur-
faces. Nicely struck MDS, Breen state III, with two dentils fused
over the A in STATES and the reverse rotated 25 degrees CW. A
premium example of a variety that usually comes either worn
out or mint state thanks to the Nichols Hoard.
Estimated Value .......................................................$500-UP
Ex R. J. Rudolph Collection
1797 S-124 R5+ VG10
. Sharpness VF35 with very fine gran-
ularity covering the planchet plus a few patches of moderate
roughness on both sides. Those patches are at the top of the
head, in the field before the face, and from ICA to the denomi-
nator. A couple tiny specks of verdigris show in the rough area
at ICA and the denominator. No contact marks or other defects.
Sharply struck EDS, Breen state I, before any swelling or clash-
marks. One of the sharpest examples known of this rare variety.
Graded VF35 net F12 and tied for CC#5 in the Bland census.
Estimated Value .......................................................$600-UP
From the Charles Skiendzielewski collection