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1794 S-57 R1 VG10
. Attractive glossy chocolate brown and
steel. No roughness or verdigris, only trivial marks. The only
notable mark is a tiny rim bruise at the D in UNITED. M-LDS
with a shallow depression over CA in AMERICA. The date is
strong and the legends are clear.
Estimated Value ....................................................... $400-UP
Ex Lou Whitaker 4/2000-Ed Miller Collection
1794 S-58 R3 VG8
. A few points sharper but covered with
extremely faint granularity under rather glossy chocolate brown
toning. The highpoints are a lighter shade of steel brown. No
verdigris, and the only notable mark is a barely visible rim
bruise over the U in UNITED. EDS. The date is strong and the
legends are complete and easily readable.
Estimated Value ....................................................... $300-UP
Ex Merritt Reynolds 1/11/2002-Ed Miller Collection
Trio of Cents, 1794-1797
. Includes 1794 S-58 R3 VG10 net
G4 for moderate granularity, 1796 S-93 R3 Draped Bust AG3
(smooth, just worn), and 1797 S-139 R1 E-MDS F15 net G5 for
light corrosion and verdigris. All have an easily readable date.
Lot of 3 coins.
Estimated Value ....................................................... $200-UP
Ex R. J. Rudolph Collection
1794 S-59 R3 VG7
. Glossy medium brown and light choco-
late. The only marks are a couple tiny pits on the obverse, the
largest of these in the hair left of the eye, and a few faint hair-
lines including a notable one from the O in OF to the E in CENT.
M-LDS, Breen state V, with a clear die crack arcing from CA to
the fraction. The date and legends are easily readable except
for weakness at ED-ST on the reverse.
Estimated Value ....................................................... $400-UP
Ex Ed Miller Collection
1794 S-62 R4+ G5
. Sharpness VG10 but covered with fine to
moderate roughness under rather glossy olive and lighter steel
brown toning. No notable marks or verdigris. The date and leg-
ends are complete and readable although some elements are
weakened by the roughness. LDS with a long cud break at the
edge below the cap.
Estimated Value .......................................................$300-UP
Ex Tom Reynolds-Ed Miller Collection
1794 S-65 R1 F12
. Glossy light to medium brown blending to
reddish brown and chocolate in protected areas. No roughness
or verdigris, only scattered light contact marks. A thin nick on
the cap left of the L in LIBERTY, a diagonal nick over the C in
CENT, and another nick under the E in STATES are good identi-
fying marks. MDS, Breen state VI, with die cracks on both sides.
The obverse is slightly misaligned to K-1.5, as usual for this
Estimated Value .......................................................$600-UP
From the Charles Skiendzielewski collection
1794 S-65 R1 VG10
. Glossy light olive and steel blending to
olive brown and chocolate in protected areas. Very lightly
cleaned so the highpoints are a lighter shade then than the rest
of the coin. The only notable marks are a few minor rim bruises,
including one under the 9, another above the L in LIBERTY, and
one more left of the fraction. The date is strong and the legends
are clear. M-LDS with die cracks on both sides.
Estimated Value .......................................................$400-UP
Ex Phil Horner 4/1983-the Rod Burress Collection
1794 S-65 R1 G6
. The obverse is sharper with the sharpness
of F12 but the reverse is significantly weaker at G4. There is
minor roughness on both sides, mostly at the top of the
obverse, but no verdigris or significant contact marks. Mostly
glossy light to medium chocolate brown. MDS. The date is clear
and most of the legends are easily readable. MDS.
Estimated Value .......................................................$250-UP
Ex Lou Whitaker 1/11/2002-Ed Miller Collection
1794 S-66 R5 AG3
. Slightly sharper on the obverse, weaker
on the reverse. The surfaces are decent, mostly smooth with
only microscopic roughness in the fields and protected areas.
There are four small digs across the lower part of the neck and
bust, a very dull dent in the hair under the cap, and two small
pits on the lower half of the reverse. Rather glossy steel brown
and chocolate. The date is complete and easily readable but not
strong and most of the legends are weak but visible. MDS with
a die strong crack from the end of the pole to the rim.
Estimated Value .......................................................$300-UP
Ex Dan Trollan 5/5/2006-Ed Miller Collection
1794 S-69 R3 Head of 1795 G6
. Sharpness at least F12 but
dark and covered with moderate roughness under a mostly
glossy dark olive brown patina. The only mark is a small, shal-
low dig on the chin. EDS. The date and legends are complete
and clear.
Estimated Value .......................................................$300-UP
Ex Bill Ingalls 2/8/1997-Ed Miller Collection