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Tyrants of the Thames


GOLD RYAL (ROSE-NOBLE) (1466-1467)

Edward IV, Yorkist King, First Reign of 1461-1470

London mint, Crown mintmark. Light coinage of 1464/5-1470. In this reign another innovation ap-

peared, the use of initial or mint marks, allowing for a closer dating of the issues, here a crown at the

top of the reverse legend. The obverse image remains as in previous reigns, but the king’s flag, marked

“E”, flutters behind him. On the reverse, the noble was slowly changing form, as here we see a sunburst

around a small rose, taking the place of the central cross used on nobles. New denominations were also

appearing at this time, and these would continue to evolve as the wars between the two royal houses,

Lancaster and York, eventually led to the rise of the Tudors. A beautiful example of this classic coin,

glowing with 15th-century luster, struck on a broad but unevenly edged flan having lovely gold toning.

S-1951. N-1549. PCGS-graded MS63.


GOLD HALF-RYAL (1466-1467)

Edward IV, Yorkist King, First Reign of 1461-1470

Bristol mint, Crown mintmark. Light coinage of 1464/5-1470. Rare. The price of gold versus silver

was in flux at the time this coin was minted; this led to melting of older gold coins and the issue of new

denominations such as this beautiful coin which features the familiar image of the king standing amid

a warship, with his royal flag (“E” on it for Edward Rex) at the stern. New mints opened temporarily,

to make these coins, and here we see a large, bold “B” in the waves below the ship’s center, standing

for the Bristol mint. As in the case of the full-sized Ryal, this Half-ryal offered a new reverse, showing

a sunburst around a small central rose. The inscription around the rim on this side was carried forward,

proclaiming (in then familiar Latin) DOMINE NE IN FURORE TUOARGUAS ME (“Oh Lord, Rebuke

Me Not in Thine Indignation” ‚Äì Psalm vi.1). One of the sharpest examples of this new denomination

extant, with abundant luster and exceptionally choice surfaces. Struck on an irregularly shaped, but

typical, flan and as a consequence not all of the letters of the legends are present.

S-1960. N-1555. PCGS-graded MS65.