Session Two - Monday, February 13, 2017 10:00 am PST
1652 Massachusetts Oak Tree Shilling Noe-1 R3 PCGS
graded VF30
. An "IN at Left" of tree type. Frosty light to
medium silver fading to darker grayish steel in protected areas.
Nicely centered on a nearly round planchet. The Oak Tree, date,
and denomination are all strong. There is a minor wave or bend
in the planchet that caused uneven wear on a few letters of the
legend, but most of the letters are complete. This piece may
have been struck more than once. A major portion of an "N" is
clearly visible above the second N in ENGLAND and weaker ele-
ments of another letter are visible over the adjacent D. A nice
piece worth a close look. Listed on page 41 in the "Redbook."
Weight listed as 72.07 grains on the PCGS label.
Estimated Value .................................................. $2,000 - UP
1652 Massachusetts Oak Tree Shilling Noe-9 R5 PCGS
graded XF45
. An "IN at Bottom" of tree type. Attractive glossy
medium grayish steel, slightly lighter on the devices than in the
protected areas. The obverse (tree side) is slightly misaligned to
the bottom but the reverse is nicely centered on the nearly
round planchet. All the design elements are well struck and this
piece would be choice except for a mint-made fissure that
affects the H in MASATHVSETS and the opposing first N in
ENGLAND. Still a very nice example of this tough Large Planchet
variety. Listed on page 41 in the "Redbook." Weight listed as
70.52 grains on the PCGS label.
Estimated Value .................................................. $4,000 - UP
1652 Massachusetts Oak Tree Shilling Noe-9 R5 NGC
graded VF30
. An "IN at Bottom" of tree type. Glossy medium
grayish steel fading to a slightly darker shade of gray in pro-
tected areas. This piece is quite nice for the grade, void of any
notable defects. The obverse is nicely centered but the reverse
is slightly off center to the top leaving parts of a few letters off
the nearly round planchet. The Oak Tree is complete and clearly
visible but not strong, and everything else is clear. A nice, prob-
lem-free example of this historic early American coinage. Listed
on page 41 in the "Redbook." Weight listed as 64.6 grains on
the NGC label.
Estimated Value .................................................. $2,500 - UP
1652 Massachusetts Oak Tree Shilling Noe-14 R4 PCGS
graded XF45
. An "IN at Bottom" of tree type. Glossy light to
medium silvery gray on the devices and darker gun-metal gray
in protected areas. No planchet flaws or roughness, but there
are a few contact marks. The notable ones are a few shallow
digs between the E & W in NEW and a few more at the bottom
of AN in AN DOM. The Oak Tree and date are complete and
bold, and the legends are strong. Nicely centered leaving only
the tops of a couple letters tight to the edge of the nearly round
planchet. Another very nice Oak Tree Shilling. Listed on page 41
in the "Redbook." Weight of 71.30 grains shown on the PCGS
Estimated Value ...................................................$4,000 - UP
1662 Massachusetts Oak Tree Twopence with Small 2
Noe-31 R6+ PCGS graded VF35
. Frosty medium grayish
steel with lighter silvery gray on the devices. The toning con-
trast accents the designs and adds the eye appeal. The surfaces
are smooth and the only marks are three microscopic pinpricks
at the bottom of the second S in MASATHVSETS. The obverse
(tree side) is misaligned to the bottom (as usual for this variety)
while the reverse is nearly centered on the planchet. The tiny
Oak Tree, date, and denomination are all complete and clear,
and the legends that made it onto the planchet are strong. A
nice example of this very rare variety. Listed on page 40 in the
Estimated Value ...................................................$2,000 - UP