Pre-Long Beach US - page 203

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Quarter Dollars
1864 S
PCGS graded Proof 66 Cameo PQ.
Pretty reddish-russet iridescence is splashed
over the obverse, with the rim area also revealing bold
cobalt-blue toning. The reverse is much lighter with some
peripheral golden color. Sharp, satiny devices offer appre-
ciable contrast to mirror finish fields, all areas expectably
smooth at the Gem grade level. Conditionally rare for this
challenging Civil War date in the proof Seated Liberty quar-
ter series, and among the finest certified. From an
extremely low mintage, only 470 pieces were struck in
1864. This represents the second lowest proof production
run in the series after 1858. An exemplary representative of
the assigned grade.
Pop 3; none finer at PCGS.
# 85560
Estimated Value .................................... $11,000 - 12,000
PCGS graded Proof 65 Cameo
. Attractive honey-
golden toning on both sides deepens toward the borders. Only
470 Proofs were minted in 1864, and this Gem appears to be
handpicked for quality. The deeply reflective surfaces sparkle
with brightness, while the devices rise to lightly frosted relief.
Fully defined throughout.
Pop 9; 3 finer in 66
. (
Estimated Value ..............................................$4,200 - 4,500
PCGS graded Proof 64
. This originally toned near-
Gem presents an interesting, somewhat variegated toning
scheme featuring colors of sea-blue, streaky mauve-tan, and
sunset golden over the highly reflective surfaces. The colors are
somewhat mottled over the reverse. Fully struck throughout. A
delightful Choice specimen that is bumping up against an even
higher grade. The 1864 is a scarcer proof Seated quarter due to
both a limited mintage of only 470 pieces, and the presumed
destruction of numerous examples during the Civil War.
54; 16 finer
. (
PCGS # 5560
Estimated Value ..............................................$1,800 - 1,900
1866. With Motto
PCGS graded Proof 66 PQ.
This dazzling Gem Proof displays lightly frosted
devices and deeply mirrored fields, but not quite enough to
qualify as a Cameo. The obverse exhibits a mottled mixture of
turquoise-blue and russet toning. The reverse is more colorfully
toned with turquoise-blue at the border and deep crimson-red
at the center. First year of issue for the With Motto design type
and an important opportunity for the type collector or date spe-
cialist. Just 725 Proofs were minted with very few Gems (like
this) surviving today.
Pop 1; 2 finer in 67
. (
PCGS # 5565
Estimated Value ..............................................$4,000 - 4,400
1866. With Motto
PCGS graded Proof 63+
. Beautiful "tar-
get" toning on each side with pinpoint striking details. The
reflective surfaces are slightly muted by the toning and a few
light hairlines are evident, typical of the assigned grade. The
premier issue of the Motto type and a very popular issue with a
low overall mintage. Only 725 proofs were coined.
Pop 1; 39
. (
PCGS # 5565
Estimated Value ................................................... $700 - 750
The Agora Collection
NGC graded Proof 65 Cameo
. A brilliant white Cameo
Proof. A bright satiny finish shows on Liberty and the eagle, and
the fields sparkle with mirrored reflectivity as when first issued.
The 1870 is difficult to find in this outstanding condition. All
details were struck with the advantageous reliability of this year,
that is, sharply by the dies, which then left behind bold ele-
ments of detail throughout. Only 1,000 proofs were minted, this
remains as one of the finer.
Pop 9; 6 finer, 3 in 66, 1 in
66+, 1 in 67, 1 in 67+ Star
. (
PCGS # 85569
Estimated Value ..............................................$2,000 - 2,200
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