1652 Massachusetts Pine Tree Shilling Noe-18 Rarity-
6+ Small Planchet PCGS graded VG10
. Mostly glossy light
silvery gray with darker steel gray toning covering the protected
areas. The legends are complete and easily readable, although
a couple letters are relatively weak. The date is clear and the
denomination is bold. The only marks are some light scrapes or
scratches under AT in MASATHVSETS. The so-called "Bird' s
Nest" break in the right branches of the Pine Tree is clear.
Weight 70.6 grains. Listed on page 39 in the "Redbook."
Estimated Value .....................................................$1,500-UP
1652 Massachusetts Pine Tree Shilling Noe-20 Rarity-7
Small Planchet PCGS Genuine, VG Details, Damage
Slightly glossy dark olive brown and steel with lighter steel gray
toning on the highpoints. The surfaces are very lightly eroded
and there are traces of shallow scale in a couple places. The
only notable marks are a some light scratches on both sides,
none distracting. The date and denomination are easily read-
able and most of the legends are clear. Late die state with swell-
ing at the top of the reverse in addition to the usual small cud
breaks. Weight 64.8 grains. Listed on page 39 in the "Redbook."
Estimated Value .....................................................$1,000-UP
Ex Early American History Auctions 12/13/2003:1113 (lot ticket
1652 Massachusetts Pine Tree Shilling Noe-25 Rar-
ity-5 Small Planchet PCGS graded XF40
. Glossy dark
gray and olive brown. Struck slightly off center to K-9.5
leaving the tops of a few letters off the planchet. The nota-
ble flaws are a natural planchet fissure over SETS and
microscopic granularity in the fields on the reverse. The
rosette right of the Pine Tree is faint, which is normal for
this die variety. The date and denomination are quite bold.
The "W" in NEW was made using two V' s, a feature that is
obvious on this variety because they were spaced slightly
separated. A nice piece in spite of the imperfections.
Weight 70.3 grains. Listed on page 39 in the "Redbook."
Pop 56; 65 finer
Estimated Value ..............................................$3,000-UP
1652 Massachusetts Pine Tree Shilling Noe-26 Rarity-5
Small Planchet PCGS graded VG8
. Rather glossy medium
gray and steel with slightly lighter gray toning on the devices.
The planchet is slightly bent causing uneven wear. The only
notable mark is a planchet flake or void between the bases of
the 1 & 6 in the date, and the void extends down into the top of
the X below. Struck from a very late state of the dies with a cud
break connecting the 2 to the base of the D and a die crack that
extends to the rim above that D. Obviously quite rare in this
state, which was not represented in the Hain or Ford collections.
Weight 67.2 grains. Listed on page 39 in the "Redbook."
Estimated Value .................................................... $1,000-UP
1652 Massachusetts Pine Tree Shilling Noe-28 Rarity-
6+ Small Planchet Fair-2 (Sea Salvaged)
. Medium silvery
gray and steel with traces of darker crust remaining after resto-
ration following recovery from the sea. The planchet is bent and
the devices are incomplete, but the date, denomination, and
much of the Pine Tree remain visible, enough to allow the vari-
ety attribution. This is one of the pieces recovered from the
wreck of the H. M. S. Feversham, a British warship lost off Nova
Scotia in 1711 and salvaged in 1996. Weight 49.8 grains. Listed
on page 39 in the "Redbook."
Estimated Value .......................................................$500-UP
Ex H. M. S. Feversham wreck salvage circa 1996-Stack' s 1/16/
2001:23 (lot ticket included)
1652 Massachusetts Pine Tree Threepence Noe-37 Rar-
ity-5 Without Pellets PCGS Genuine, Fine Details,
. Slightly glossy medium to dark gray with light silvery
gray toning on the devices. The surfaces are decent but a glass
reveals minor roughness in the fields and protected areas. In
addition there are a few fine scratches on both sides, the stron-
gest of these in the field above the date. The date is strong, the
denomination is clear, and most of the legends are visible. Late
die state. The cud break on SA right of the Pine Tree connects
those two letters. Listed on page 39 in the "Redbook."
Estimated Value .................................................... $1,000-UP
1723 Woods Hibernia Half Penny VF-20
Estimated Value ................................................... $100 - 115
1787 Machin' s Mills Halfpenny Vlack 18-87C Rarity-4
NGC graded F12
. Slightly glossy dark olive brown and steel
with lighter steel brown and chocolate toning on the devices.
The devices are smooth while microscopic roughness covers the
fields and protected areas. The date is weak but readable while
the legends are clearer. Listed on page 67 in the "Redbook."
Estimated Value .......................................................$100-UP