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1652 Massachusetts Oak Tree Shilling IN at Bottom
Noe-14 Rarity-4 PCGS graded VF20
. Attractive glossy
medium silvery gray with slightly darker gray toning in pro-
tected areas. The surfaces are smooth and void of any notable
defects other than an obvious planchet fissure (as struck) at the
rim passing through the I in IN. The obverse is slightly mis-
aligned to K-6 leaving a couple letters tight to the edge of the
planchet. The reverse is nicely centered and those legends are
complete. Late die state with swelling and die scaling across the
middle of the obverse weakening much of the Oak Tree. Weight
70.9 grains. Listed on page 39 in the "Redbook."
Estimated Value .....................................................$2,000-UP
1652 Massachusetts Oak Tree Sixpence IN on Obverse
Noe-22 Rarity-5 ANACS graded VF20 Details, Damaged
Glossy medium to dark gray with lighter steel gray toning on the
devices. Both sides are unevenly worn thanks to a few dents
and resulting bends in the planchet, and a glass reveals fine
scratches that are mostly lost in the toning plus two lines of tiny
impressions left of the date. The date is easily readable but the
V in the denomination is lost. The obverse (tree side) is off cen-
ter to K-1 but the reverse is reasonably well centered on the
planchet. Far from perfect but still an acceptable example of
this tough denomination of the Oak Tree type. Weight 32.7
grains. The attribution is noted on the ANACS label. Listed on
page 39 in the "Redbook."
Estimated Value .....................................................$1,000-UP
1652 Massachusetts Oak Tree Threepence All 3 S' s
Backwards Noe-23 Rarity-6 PCGS Genuine, Good
Details, Damage
. Frosty light to medium silvery gray with
darker steel gray toning in some of the protected areas. The
strike is uneven with some of the details of Fine sharpness while
others are faint or missing. The date and denomination are
clear and significant portions of the legends are visible on both
sides (including two of the three backwards S' s). The only
notable marks are an "X" lightly scratched across both sides.
The PCGS label incorrectly identifies this as a "2 Pence" dated
"1662" with a "Large 2." Since the date and denomination are
so clear on the coin, I suspect this was an administrative error
in producing the label. Listed on page 38 in the "Redbook."
Estimated Value ....................................................... $600-UP
1652 Massachusetts Oak Tree Threepence All 3 S' s Cor-
rect Noe-25 Rarity-6 PCGS graded VG10
. Glossy medium
gray and steel. The surfaces are a bit uneven and the tops of
some of the legends are off the planchet, but overall the eye
appeal is nice for the grade. The only notable marks are a scuff
of old scratches near the rim right of the date. The date and
denomination are complete and easily readable, and most of
the Oak Tree remains visible. A decent example of the denomi-
nation. The PCGS label identifies this as a "2 Pence" dated
"1662" and with a "Large 2," none of which is correct. Another
administrative error that PCGS (most likely) will be happy to
correct for free. Listed on page 38 in the "Redbook."
Estimated Value ....................................................$1,000-UP
1652 Massachusetts Oak Tree Threepence All 3 S' s Cor-
rect Noe-26 Rarity-7 PCGS Genuine, Good Details, Dam-
. Slightly glossy light silvery gray and steel. The surfaces
are uneven, as are the details, with many elements showing
Fine or better sharpness while others are weak or smooth. The
date and denomination are complete and clear, and most of the
Oak Tree remains visible (though not strong). A dig or dent on
the first N in ENGLAND is the only notable mark. The PCGS label
incorrectly shows this is dated "1662" and is a "2 Pence"
denomination. I am rather confident PCGS would be willing to
correct the label error free of charge. Listed on page 38 in the
Estimated Value .......................................................$600-UP
1662 Massachusetts Oak Tree Twopence Small 2 Noe-
29 Rarity-6+ PCGS graded VF35
. Frosty bright silvery gray
with slightly darker silvery gray toning in protected areas. The
surfaces are a bit uneven but there does not appear to be any
damage or other indications that would explain the wavy
appearance. The obverse (tree side) is slightly misaligned to K-7
while the reverse is centered on the planchet (both normal for
the variety). The 2 in the date is only partially visible thanks to a
wave on the top of that digit, but everything else is clear. In fact
there is very little actual wear on this piece, only the highpoints
displaying any friction at all. A nice example of this tiny silver
coin authorized for minting in 1662 by representatives of the
Massachusetts Bay Colony. Weight 10.03 grains. Listed on page
38 in the "Redbook."
Estimated Value ....................................................$1,500-UP