bid online at
www.goldbergcoins.com(800) 978-COIN (2646)
$500 G
1928, $500 Gold Certificate. PCGS Extremely Fine 45 Apparent
. The 1928 series was the last issue of Gold Cer-
tificates, and the only small size version of these notes that for more than three-quarters of a century kept the United States tied to some ver-
sion of "hard" monetary policy. The $500 denomination is scarce in all grades, and high grade survivors are seldom seen. This piece has a few
small expert repairs, as noted by PCGS on their holder, but the overall appearance is that of a pleasing, lightly circulated example. There is
even original embossing evident, which suggests otherwise complete originality of the paper. It' s certainly a nice looking note, and is likely
obtainable for a small discount from what a completely problem-free $500 Gold might bring.
Estimated Value ............................................................................................................................................................$15,000 - 17,500
Mi sce l l aneous
Pair of Vintage Gold Rush Checks from the John Ford
. Consists of:
D.J. Tallant & Co. Check, San
Francisco, CA
$27.50 Oct. 23, 1850,
PCGS Very Fine 35 pen
Together with:
Banking House of Tallant &
Wilde Check, San Francisco, CA
$417.35 Dec. 22, 1851,
PCGS EF-40 stamp cancelled.
Lot of 2 notes.
Estimated Value ....................................................$200 - 300
Each Ex John J. Ford, Jr. Collection
A 35-piece Collection of U.S. Notes
. Consists of:
Notes (3); Broken Bank Notes (2); Confederate Notes
(6) includes a nice Lucy $100.00 T-49; Fractional Cur-
rency; Fractional Currency (3); Large Size Notes (8)
includes all different types, some graded; Small Size
Notes (13) includes $50 1929 National of Peoria, Ill and
a choice quality $1.00 1928-B Silver Cert. Star Note.
urge careful inspection as this lot includes some choice notes.
Estimated Value .....................................................$1,000-UP
84-piece miscellaneous lot of Small Size Currency
. Con-
sisting of a fine mixture of types, denominations and grades.
Highlights include:
Fr. 1601 $1.00 1928-A Silver Cert. AU;
Fr. 1860-B $10.00 1929 FRN VF; Fr. 2303 $10.00
HAWAII in Fine; Fr. 2309 $10.00 N. Affrica in Fine; Fr.
1550 $100.00 Red Seal EF
. Includes lots of Red Seal $2.00' s
and $5.00' s. We urge inspection prior to bidding.
Face Value
Estimated Value ....................................................... $500-UP
5-piece lot of Large Size Currency
. Consists of:
Fr. 229
$1.00 1899 in CU; Fr. 238 $1.00 1923 in AU; Fr. 91 $5.00
1907 in VG; Fr. 1173 $10.00 1922 Gold Cert in VG; Fr.
1187 $20.00 1922 Gold Cert in Fair.
Estimated Value ....................................................$500 - 600
6-piece lot of Large Size Currency
. Consists of:
Fr. 39
$1.00 1917 VF; Fr. 60 $2.00 1917 VG; Fr. 91 $5.00 1907
VG; Fr. 1187 $20.00 1922 (2 pcs) Good-VG; Fr. 150a
$50.00 1863 Poor and split into 3 pieces.
Despite the con-
dition of the last piece, it is extremely rare.
Estimated Value ....................................................... $500-UP
13-piece lot of Small Size and Franctional Curreny
. Consists of: Small size notes (6 pcs) and Fractional Cur-
rency (7 pcs). Highlights include
$20.00 FRB of Chicago in
EF; $20.00 FRB of Chicago in EF; $1.00 Silver Certificate
1935-A "Short Snorter"; Gutter Fold $1.00 note and two
one sided $1.00 error notes.
The fractionals are mixted
types grading
VG to AU.
Estimated Value .......................................................$500-UP
Lot of Civil War Notes
. Consists of 3 pieces of
Currency: Fr. 1255 10¢ (2); Fr. 1308 15¢. Confederate
Notes: CS-68 $2.00 and CS-70 $10.00 notes.
Notes grade
AU to CU.
Lot of 5 notes.
Estimated Value ................................................... $400 - 500
Miscellaneous Paper Money Lot
. Consists of 3 Large Size
Legal Tender Notes:
Fr. 40 (2) and Fr. 230; Confederate
notes (3) CS-41 (2) and CS-68; Broken Bank Notes 2;
Small Size Currency consisting of: $1.00 Silver Certifi-
cates (4); $2.00 notes (7); $5.00 notes (2) and a $10.00
note. Also included is a 25¢ Fractional Note and 7 Mili-
tary Payment Certificates. We also note some foreign
currency which includes a handfull of German Inflation-
ary notes.
The condition of most notes is
Good and better.
Estimated Value .......................................................$300-UP
A lot of U.S. Small Size Notes
. Consists of:
$1 Silver Cer-
tificate (24); $2 Federal Reserve Notes (82); $2 Red
Seal Notes (2); $5 Red Seal Note (1); $5 Federal
Reserve Note (1).
Some star notes included.
Notes will
grade Good to UNC.
A total face value of $202.
Estimated Value ................................................... $250 - 300
Miscellaneous lot of U.S. and World Currency
. Includes:
Gettysburg 150th Anniversary Currency Set and 2 Series
2009 $1.00 Uncut 4 note sheets as issued by the Bureau
of Engraving and Printing.
Also includes some promotional
notes as issued by Littleton Coin Co. In addition,
3 obsolete
bank notes from the War of 1812
, each in a presentation
folder in unused condition.
Estimated Value ................................................... $200 - 250
1995, $2 Federal Reserve Notes. Two Different Blocks.
PCGS Gem New 66PPQ and Superb Gem New 67PPQ
. A nice PCGS-graded pair of high grade examples from
Atlanta, both scarce singles from serial number blocks that were
originally issued only in uncut sheets from the BEP. The F-D
block note grades Gem New 66PPQ, while the F-H block deuce
grades Superb Gem New 67PPQ. Lot of 2 notes.
Estimated Value ..................................................... $80 - 100