Judaea, Hasmonean Kingdom. John Hyrcanus I (Yehohanan). Æ 1/2 Prutah (0.59 g), 134-104 BCE.
Jerusalem. ‘Yehohanan the High Priest and the Council of the Jews’ (Paleo-Hebrew) in two lines above and
below palm branch. Rev. Lily between two grain ears, within circular beaded border. (cf. TJC grp. C (all
with monogram to left of lily); Hendin 1134a). Dark brown patina with sandy-green deposits.
Extremely fine.
$ 750
Purchased privately, January 1988.
Extremely Rare Double Prutah of John Hyrcanus I, 134-104
Judaea, Hasmonean Kingdom. John Hyrcanus I (Yehohanan). Æ Double Prutah (5.34 g), 134-104 BCE.
Uncertain Samarian mint(?). ‘Yehohanan the High Priest and Head of the Council of the Jews’ (Paleo-He-
brew), double cornucopia adorned with ribbons, within circular beaded border. Rev. Macedonian helmet
with high crest and cheek guards right, within circular beaded border; in lower left field, monogram (off flan).
(TJC grp. H, pl. 18, H1P (same rev. die); Hendin 1136).
An important rarity.
Dark green desert patina.
Very fine.
$ 7,000
Purchased privately at the NYINC, December 1987.
The types of this rare coin depart dramatically from the usual iconographic repertoire of John Hyrcanus I. The parallel double
cornucopia is distinct from the splayed double cornucopia of Hyrcanus’ main coinage with its apparent associations with the priest-
hood of the Jerusalem Temple. Here the parallel cornucopiae and the Macedonian cavalry helmet may be derived from the roughly
contemporary coinage of the Seleukid usurper, Alexander II Zabinas (128-122 BCE). Josephus (
33.9.3) tells us that Hyrcanus
and Zabinas were on friendly terms, presumably because both had an interest in defending their claims to power against the legiti-
mate kings of the Seleukid dynasty.