Incredible Quality Lily/Falcon Yehud Silver
Gerah, ca. 375-332
Judaea, Yehud (Judah). Silver 1/2 Gerah (0.33 g), ca. 375-332 BCE. Lily. Rev. ‘YHD’ (Yehud), falcon with
wings displayed, head turned to right. (TJC 15; Hendin 1060). Darkly toned. Unusually well centered.
Among the finest in existence. Extremely fine.
$ 2,500
ex Dr. Jonathan A. Herbst Collection (Superior, 8-9 December 1995), lot 1058.
The obverse of this coin proudly identifies itself as produced in Jerusalem through the prominent lily type. This became so well es-
tablished as the badge of the city and its local rulers that it appeared on later Seleukid coins struck by the High Priest John Hyrcanus
I for Antiochos VII Sidetes in 132-130 BCE, and Hyrcanus’ descendant, the Priest-King Alexander Jannaeus (103-76 BCE).
Incredibly Persereved Yehud Silver
Gerah, ca. 375-332
Judaea, Yehud (Judah). Silver 1/2 Gerah (0.24 g), ca. 375-332 BCE. Lily. Rev. ‘YHD’ (Yehud), falcon with
wings displayed, head turned to right. (TJC 15; Hendin 1060). Dark find patina.
About extremely fine.
$ 2,000
Purchased privately from D. Hendin at the NYINC, December 1988.