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1950, $10 Federal Reserve Note. Narrow Star Note.
PCGS Very Fine 20PPQ
. This very scarce St.
Louis star note is the narrow back plate variety, and one of just
two examples graded by PCGS Currency to date (the other is an
error note). The marketplace has relatively ignored small size
Federal Reserve Notes for many years, but there are plenty of
signs that this is changing. New research combined with
increased collector interest is creating increased demand, and
previously unknown rarities such as this note will continue to
see strong demand as the market adjusts to the reality that
some of these early small size Feds are indeed far rarer than
was previously suspected.
Estimated Value ....................................................$150 - 200
1950-A, $10 Federal Reserve Note. Star Note. PCGS
Choice About New 58PPQ
. A light center bend
is the only grade-limiting factor on this fully original and boldly
embossed Chicago star note.
Estimated Value ....................................................$125 - 175
1950-B, $10 Federal Reserve Note. PCGS Very Choice
New 64PPQ
. An attractive near-Gem from the
Chicago district G-F serial number block.
Estimated Value ....................................................... $40 - 60
1950-D, $10 Federal Reserve Note. Star Note. PCGS
Gem New 66PPQ
. This spectacular Gem Chi-
cago star note is tied for the finest graded by PCGS Currency, as
it is one of just three examples (with none finer) graded 66PPQ
to date.
Estimated Value ....................................................$200 - 300
1950-D, $10 Federal Reserve Note. PCGS Gem New
. Boldly embossed, nicely centered, and
fully original. From the Chicago district bank.
Estimated Value ....................................................... $50 - 70
1950-E, $10 Federal Reserve Note. PCGS Choice About
New 58PPQ
. This lovely Chicago example, which
is held back in grade by only a light center fold, is from the
much scarcer G-I serial number block. A quick perusal of the
population reports from both of the two major grading services
suggests that the G-I block is scarcer than the G-H block by a
factor of approximately four to one.
Estimated Value ....................................................$100 - 150
1950-E, $10 Federal Reserve Note. Misalignment Error.
PCGS Choice New 63PPQ
. This series was actu-
ally run through four different printings, as opposed to most
small size notes which were prepared with three printings; the
series date, Treasury signatures, and other minor elements
were applied separately. The series date and signatures are
clearly too far south on this example, drifting slightly into the
border design.
Estimated Value ......................................................$75 - 100
1963-A, $10 Federal Reserve Note. PCGS Superb Gem
New 67PPQ
. This "top pop" example from Chi-
cago is tied for the finest certified by either major grading ser-
vice, one of only 7 such examples graded 67PPQ by PCGS (two
have been graded 67EPQ by PMG).
Estimated Value ......................................................$75 - 100
1969, $10 Federal Reserve Notes. Chicago Block Set
Pair. PCGS Gem New 66PPQ
. This spectacular
Gem pair represents both of the serial number blocks issued
from Chicago, the G-A and G-B blocks. The G-B block example
is currently tied with one other note as the finest graded by
PCGS. Lot of 2 notes.
Estimated Value ....................................................$100 - 150
1977, $10 Federal Reserve Note. PCGS Gem New
. This lovely Chicago Gem displays incredi-
ble embossing throughout, both of the design and the over-
Estimated Value .......................................................$40 - 60
1977-A, $10 Federal Reserve Note. PCGS Gem New
. Another lovely Gem Chicago $10 FRN,
this from the 1977A series.
Estimated Value .......................................................$40 - 60
1981, $10 Federal Reserve Note. PCGS Gem New
. This is the only St. Louis $10 from this
series to achieve the 65PPQ grade from PCGS, with only two
examples finer (one a 66PPQ, and one a 67PPQ).
Estimated Value .......................................................$50 - 75
1981, $10 Federal Reserve Note. PCGS Very Choice New
. This near-Gem is from the scarcer of the
two San Francisco serial number blocks, with the L-A block val-
ued higher than the L-B block in the most recent edition of the
Schwartz & Lindquist reference.
Estimated Value .......................................................$50 - 70
1981-A, $10 Federal Reserve Note. PCGS Very Choice
New 64PPQ
. Although undoubtedly there are
more notes in existence from this series that were saved at the
time of issue than are included in the current population reports
of the two major grading services, it is intriguing that PCGS and
PMG have graded just seven notes combined from the 1981A
New York district. This pleasing near-Gem is all alone in second
place at PCGS, with a single 65PPQ the only higher graded
Estimated Value .......................................................$50 - 75
1981-A, $10 Federal Reserve Note. PCGS Gem New
. While the relative scarcity of notes from
this series is known to collectors, exactly how rare some of
these notes are remains a mystery. The facts on this note is
intriguing--it is the only Kansas City $10 from the 1981A series
graded by PCGS Currency to date. PMG has, meanwhile, graded
three examples, two circulated pieces and a 64EPQ. As these
notes become more popular with collectors, the details will
emerge as to which notes are truly rare. After more than a
decade, this note remains the finest known for both of the
major grading services. It is unlikely that there are many more
ungraded examples in existence that will challenge it for eye
appeal or technical merit.
Estimated Value ................................................... $100 - 150
1985, $10 Federal Reserve Note. PCGS Gem New
. A nice Gem from the Richmond district,
with cavernous embossing that can easily be seen through the
Estimated Value .......................................................$50 - 75
1988-A, $10 Federal Reserve Note. PCGS Gem New
. Because collectors, for so many years,
have ignored, in a relative sense, small size Federal Reserve
Notes as a whole (particularly in denominations from $5 to
$100), not many of these later issued have reached the grading
services. That being said, it remains clear that there simply
aren' t many of these that were saved in high grades at the time
of issue. To date, PCGS has graded only three examples of this
series from the Richmond district, with this the finest of the
three. PMG, by comparison, has graded only five such examples
in all uncirculated grades, which means that even without dupli-
cation (by means of crossovers) there are still, at most, eight
certified uncirculated examples of this issue known. The fact
that a grade rarity such as this isn' t expected to bring four fig-
ures or more is an intriguing marketplace inequality which may
be changing, as collectors have flocked to these notes in recent
years as Silver Certificates, Legal Tender Notes, and other
"obsolete" series have become more expensive to collect.
Estimated Value ..................................................... $75 - 100