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1869, 50¢ Fractional Currency. Fourth Issue, Stanton
portrait. PCGS About New 53PPQ
Fully original Stantons in higher circulated grades are virtually
impossible to locate, as many have been pressed or flattened in
attempts to pass them off as New. This example retains full
embossing and excellent originality, even though a trivial bit of
handling limits the technical grade.
Estimated Value ......................................................$90 - 110
1869, 50¢ Fractional Currency. Fourth Issue, Dexter
portrait. PCGS Very Choice New 64PPQ
. Near-Gem centering defines the grade, however the
originality, colors, and overall eye appeal would otherwise fully
merit a much higher grade.
Estimated Value ....................................................$140 - 160
1874, 50¢ Fractional Currency. Fifth Issue, white paper.
PCGS Choice New 63PPQ
. Like many of
the fractionals offered in this sale, this Fifth Issue 50¢ note pos-
sesses exceptional colors and eye appeal. The technical grade is
perhaps limited by the slightly tight top margin, but if one is
looking for a "pretty" note and is accepting of lower grades
because of slightly imperfect centering, this note will fit the bill.
Estimated Value ....................................................$120 - 140
First Issue Fractional Trio
. A group of three first issue Frac-
tionals, each graded by PCGS: Fr. 1242 10¢ Extremely Fine
40PPQ; Fr. 1281 25¢ Choice About New 58; and Fr. 1282 25¢
Very Fine 30. Lot of 3 notes.
Estimated Value ....................................................$175 - 225
Second Issue Fractional Group
. Seven different varieties of
Fractional currency from the second issue period, each graded
by PCGS: Fr. 1232 5¢ Choice About New 58PPQ; Fr. 1233 5¢
Choice About New 58; Fr. 1245 10¢ About New 53; Fr. 1283 25¢
Choice About New 55PPQ; Fr. 1286 25¢ Choice About New 58;
Fr. 1316 50¢ Choice About New 55; and Fr. 1317 50¢ Choice
About New 55. Lot of 7 notes.
Estimated Value ....................................................$350 - 450
Third Issue Fractionals
. Four different varieties of fractional
currency issued under the third issue period, each graded by
PCGS: Fr. 1239 5¢ About New 53PPQ; Fr. 1252 10¢ Choice
About New 58; Fr. 1256 10¢ Choice About New 58; and Fr. 1339
50¢ Extremely Fine 45. Lot of 4 notes.
Estimated Value ....................................................$250 - 300
Third Issue 3¢ Variety Pair
. A nice pair of 3¢ fractionals rep-
resenting both the light background and dark background vari-
eties, each graded by
PCGS: Fr. 1226 Choice About New 58
, minor mounting remnants on back; and
Fr. 1227
Extremely Fine 40PPQ.
Lot of 2 notes.
Estimated Value ....................................................$120 - 150
Graded Fourth and Fifth Issue Fractionals
. A group lot of
11 fourth and fifth issue fractionals, each graded by PCGS: Fr.
1257 Fourth Issue 10¢ About New 50PPQ; Fr. 1258 Fourth Issue
10¢ Choice About New 58 Apparent, minor mounting remnants;
Fr. 1259 Fourth Issue 10¢ New 62; Fr. 1261 Fourth Issue 10¢
Choice New 63 Apparent, small edge tear at top right; Fr. 1301
Fourth Issue 25¢ About New 53PPQ; Fr. 1307 Fourth Issue 25¢
About New 53PPQ; Fr. 1307 Fourth Issue 25¢ Choice About New
58 Apparent, small repair in LR corner; Fr. 1264 Fifth Issue 10¢
About New 50 Apparent, masked stains on face and back; Fr.
1265 Fifth Issue 10¢ Extremely Fine 45; Fr. 1266 Fifth Issue 10¢
New 62; and Fr. 1309 Fifth Issue 25¢ Choice About New 58PPQ.
Lot of 11 notes.
Estimated Value ....................................................$400 - 500
1869, 15¢ Fractional Currency. Fourth Issue, smaller
red seal. PCGS Extremely Fine 40
. A
lightly circulated example with bold colors and good eye appeal
for the grade.
Estimated Value ....................................................$100 - 125
Lega l Tende r No t es (U. S . No t es ) - Sma l l
1928-B, $2 Legal Tender Note. PCGS Fine 15
. The 1928B is the scarcest of all of the small size $2
Red Seals, and decent circulated examples like this piece are
infrequently found in today' s marketplace.
Estimated Value ................................................... $100 - 125
1928-D, $2 Legal Tender Note. Mule Star Note. PCGS
Very Fine 20PPQ
. The "mule" variety
of the 1928D series, with a micro back plate number (#288 or
lower), are actually printed from series 1928D face plates
matched with older series 1928C back plates. This example,
which bears micro back plate number 261, is a wholly original
example with terrific eye appeal for a note that obviously spent
some time in the channels of commerce.
Estimated Value ................................................... $300 - 400
1928-E, $5 Legal Tender Note. PCGS Fine 12PPQ
. Although well circulated, this is a pleasing
Star Note that is totally original and problem free for the grade.
Estimated Value ................................................... $100 - 125
1966, $100 Legal Tender Note. PCGS Extremely Fine 40
. This red seal $100 has a few hidden folds
that account for the grade, but otherwise looks at first glance to
be much closer to a higher grade.
Estimated Value ................................................... $175 - 200
Si l ve r Ce r ti f i ca t es - Sma l l
Small Size R & S Experimental Notes
. Consists of:
1609 and Fr. 1610 Silver Certificates. PCGS Fine 15 and
PCGS Fine 12
Estimated Value ................................................... $170 - 190
1928-C, $1 Silver Certificate. PMG Gem Uncirculated
. Well margined, boldly embossed,
and with lovely colors. This is one of the key issues of the small
size Silver Certificate series, third only to the 1928D and 1928E
issues in the $1 denomination in terms of scarcity in all grades.
Estimated Value ..............................................$1,250 - 1,750
1934, $10 Silver Certificate. Mule Star Note. PCGS Very
Fine 20
. A replacement of the scarcer
"mule" variety, with a larger back plate number on the back sig-
nifying a plate that was actually meant for the later 1934A
series notes.
Estimated Value ................................................... $200 - 250
1934-B, $10 Silver Certificate. PCGS Very Fine 25
. The 1934B series is much scarcer than any of
the other 1934-dates series of $10 Silver Certificates, and is the
second key to the entire small size $10 Silver Certificate collec-
tion surpassed only by the famous 1933 rarity. This is a prob-
lem-free circulated example with plenty of eye appeal.
Estimated Value ................................................... $200 - 250
Na t i ona l Bank No t es - Sma l l
A pair of Type 2 $5 National Bank Notes
. Con-
sists of:
The Anglo California National Bank of San Fran-
cisco, California; The First National Bank Note of Elko,
Nevada. Notes will both grade VG.
Lot of 2 notes.
Estimated Value ................................................... $100 - 150