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Session Four
Conf ede r at e No t es
T-44 1862 $1. PCGS Choice About New 58PPQ
This lovely example has minimal handling, and is fully original.
A more striking feature is that the centering and margins are
much better than what is most often encountered on this usu-
ally poorly cut design, resulting in almost the complete design
being visible except for a small portion of the portrait border
oval at the far right.
Estimated Value ....................................................$200 - 250
T-63 1863 50¢. PCGS Choice About New 58
This pleasing fractional piece has just a touch of light handling
and some typical foxing present, mostly around the edges.
Estimated Value ....................................................... $40 - 50
T-64 1864 $500. PCGS Very Fine 30
. This design
type, with the portrait of General Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jack-
son at the bottom right, and the CSA seal topped by the Con-
federate "battle flag" at left, is always popular among collectors.
This mid-grade circulated example displays no mentionable
flaws and has good color for the grade.
Estimated Value ....................................................$200 - 250
T-67 1864 $20. PCGS Choice New 63PPQ
. A
boldly printed, high grade example with typically tight, but com-
plete, margins.
Estimated Value ......................................................$75 - 100
T-67 1864 $20. PCGS Choice New 63PPQ
. Nearly
consecutive to the last, and just as nice in every way.
Estimated Value ......................................................$75 - 100
T-70 1864 $2. PCGS Very Choice New 64PPQ
This beautiful CSA Deuce has outstanding eye appeal with a
vivid peach-tinted underprint.
Estimated Value ....................................................$150 - 200
T-72 1864 50¢. PCGS Very Choice New 64PPQ
This fractional denomination is often seen with foxing or toning
spots, and this high grade near-Gem is refreshingly free of
Estimated Value ....................................................$150 - 200
1864 Confederate Group
. A nice group of 1864 CSA notes,
each graded by PCGS Currency: (2) T-65 $100s, Choice About
New 58 Apparent (small edge tears at right, minor stains), and
About New 50; T-66 $50 Choice About New 58 Apparent (minor
stains); T-67 $20 Very Fine 35PPQ (3) T-68 $10s, two grading
Choice About New 58PPQ, and one Very Fine 25 (2) T-69 $5s,
both Choice About New 58PPQ; T-71 $1 Very Fine 25 Apparent
(large tear at left of center); and a T-72 50¢ Choice About New
58PPQ. Lot of 11 notes.
Estimated Value ....................................................$350 - 450
Broken Bank No t es
1853 $3.00 Bank of New England at Goodspeed' s Land-
ing, East Haddam, Connecticut
. Signed and Printed on
parchment paper.
Very Fine
Estimated Value ....................................................... $200-UP
1860 $5.00 Bank of Washington, North Carolina
. A color-
ful note with bright orange on black vignettes. Boldly signed
and dated in dark brown ink.
About Uncirculated
Estimated Value ....................................................$200 - 250
30-piece lot of Mostly Broken Bank Notes
. Consists of
Broken Bank Notes, mostly signed and used.
some scarce types and denominations including $3.00 notes. In
addition, an interesting
$100 advertising note that resem-
bles the $1.00 1869 Legal Tender issue advertising
"Egyptian Hair Coloring".
Condiiton varies, mostly well used. An
interesting group that should be inspected prior to bidding.
Estimated Value .......................................................$300-UP
Three Notes from the Derby Fishing Company
. An early
trio of denominations from the Derby Fishing Company in
Derby, Connecticut (payable at New York, NY), each graded by
PCGS: $1.00 Sept. 1, 1808, Fine 15 Apparent, small edge and
internal tears, missing piece at right; $2.00 Sept. 1, 1808, Very
Fine 20 Apparent, small internal tear at left; and $5.00 Sept. 1,
1808, Very Fine 30 Apparent, small edge tear at left.
notes for the fisherperson!
. Lot of 3 notes.
Estimated Value ..................................................... $75 - 100
Lega l Tende r No t es (U. S . No t es ) - Large
1917, $1 United States Note
PMG Choice
Unc. 64 EPQ
. Together with:
Fr. 60 $2.00 1917 Legal Ten-
der. PMG Choice AU 58 EPQ.
Lot of 2 notes.
Estimated Value ................................................... $300 - 350
Si l ve r Ce r t i f i ca tes - La rge
1886, $1 Silver Certificate. PCGS Choice About New 55
. This "ornate back" Silver Certificate features a
portrait of Martha Washington. The colors are boldly printed,
and the paper is free of any blemishes save for a few small, triv-
ial toning spots. A light corner bend or two defines the grade.
Estimated Value ..............................................$1,000 - 1,200