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Ancient Coins
Attica, Athens. Silver Tetradrachm (17.08 g), Ca 165-42
. New Style issue. 147/6 BC. Adei… and Helio…, magistrates.
Head of Athena right, wearing triple crested Attic helmet deco-
rated with Pegasos springing right.
, owl standing
right, head facing, on overturned amphora; in fields, magis-
trates' names: A
/EI, and H
IO; in right field, trident head
right; MH below; all within laurel wreath. Thompson 127a-b. As
struck from buldging, deteriorated dies. Lustrous.
Estimate Value ................................................$1,000 - 1,300
From The Herbert & Aphrodite Rubin Collection;.
The introduction of the Athenian New Style coinage ca. 165 BC
was a watershed moment for the development of coinage in
Attica and for the wider Hellenistic world. It brought an end to
the Classical Athenian owl tetradrachm which had been a staple
of international commerce for centuries and established a gen-
eral fashion for tetradrachms with wreathed reverses that
spread through western Asia Minor and Syria in the course of
the second century. The new depiction of Athena Parthenos on
the obverse was also extremely popular, spawning imitation as
far afield as Northern Greece, Sicily, and the Pontic Empire of
Mithradates VI.
Attica, Athens. Silver Tetradrachm (16.82 g), ca. 165-42
. New Style issue. 111/0 BC. Phanokles, Apollonios, and Stra-
tios, magistrates. Head of Athena right, wearing triple crested
Attic helmet decorated with Pegasos springing right.
, owl standing right, head facing, on overturned amphora;
in fields, magistrates' names:
; in right field, Artemis Phosphoros standing
facing, holding torch with both hands;
on amphora, ME
below; all within laurel wreath. Thompson 706c. Nicely toned.
Choice Very Fine
Estimate Value ..................................................... $600 - 700
From The Herbert & Aphrodite Rubin Collection; Purchased pri-
vately from Empire Coins in the 1980s.
Attica, Athens. Silver Tetradrachm (16.26 g), ca. 165-42
. New Style issue. Ca. 150/49 BC. Head of Athena right,
wearing triple crested Attic helmet decorated with Pegasos
springing right.
, owl standing right, head facing,
on overturned amphora; in fields, magistrates' monograms; in
lower left field, term of Hermes;E on amphora; all within laurel
wreath. Thompson 89c. Excellent early style. Lovely delicate iri-
descent tone.
Choice Very Fine
Estimate Value ......................................................$500 - 600
From the Hanbery Collection; Purchased privately from F.
Attica, Athens. Silver Tetradrachm (16.72 g), ca. 165-42
. 122/1 BC. Euryklei…, Ariara…, and Diony…, magistrates.
Head of Athena right, wearing triple crested Attic helmet deco-
rated with Pegasos springing right.
, owl standing
right, head facing, on overturned amphora; in fields, magis-
trates' names:
, and
; in right
field, The Three Graces standing facing, looking left; uncertain
letter on amphora, ME below; all within laurel wreath. Thomp-
son 509b-c. Old cabinet tone.
Very Fine
Estimate Value ......................................................$300 - 350
The Hanbery Collection.