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Ancient Coins
1615 Thracian Kingdom. Lysimachos. Silver Tetradrachm (16.84 g), as King, 306-281 BC
. Lampsakos, ca. 297/6-282/1 BC. Diademed head
of deified Alexander right, with horn of Ammon.
, Athena seated left, holding Nike and resting elbow on shield
at side, spear leaning against far shoulder; in inner left field,
monogram; in exergue, [crescent]. Thompson 49; SNG BN 2549; Müller 399. Well
struck in very high relief.
Extremely Fine
Estimate Value .......................................................................................................................................................................$1,000 - 1,500
From the Herbert & Aphrodite Rubin Collection; Purchased privately from H. Berk in the 1980s.
This coin features an iconic early Hellenistic portrait of Alexander the Great that transcended all borders and the limits of mere geography. Not
only did it become the preferred type for coins struck for use in Thrace long after Lysimachos' death, but it even appears on a gem from a seal
ring produced in Central Asia.
Thracian Kingdom. Lysimachos. Silver Tetradrachm
(16.98 g), as King, 306-281 BC
. Lampsakos, ca. 297/6-282/
1 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of
, Athena seated
left, holding Nike and resting elbow on shield at side, spear
leaning against far shoulder; in inner left field, long torch; on
side of throne, star. Thompson 43; SNG BN 2538-9; Müller 381
(Kyzikos). Wonderful fine style and beautiful old cabinet toning.
About Extremely Fine
Estimate Value ..................................................... $500 - 600
From the Hanbery Collection; Purchased privately from F.
Thracian Kingdom. Lysimachos. Silver Tetradrachm
(16.70 g), as King, 306-281 BC
. Lampsakos, ca. 297/6-282/
1 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of
, Athena seated
left, holding Nike and resting elbow on shield at side, spear
leaning against far shoulder; in inner left field, HP monogram;
in exergue, crescent. Thompson 47; SNG BN 2540-2; Müller
401. Struck in high relief. Lightly toned.
About Very Fine
Estimate Value ..................................................... $400 - 500
From The Herbert & Aphrodite Rubin Collection; Purchased
from an uncertain Malter auction in the 1980s, lot 45.
Thracian Kingdom. Lysimachos. Silver Tetradrachm
(16.76 g), as King, 306-281 BC
. Abydos(?), early-mid 3rd
century BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with
horn of Ammon.
, Athena
seated left, holding Nike and resting elbow on shield at side,
spear leaning against far shoulder; in inner left field, eagle
standing right. H. Seyrig, "Parion au 3e siècle avant notre ère,"
Cent. Pub. ANS?, pl. XLII, B (same obv. die); BMFA 839 (same
obv. die); Müller 342. Struck in high relief. Lightly toned.
Very Fine
Estimate Value ......................................................$400 - 500
From The Herbert & Aphrodite Rubin Collection; Purchased
from an uncertain Malter auction in the 1980s, lot 44.
Thracian Kingdom. Lysimachos. Silver Tetradrachm
(16.83 g), as King, 306-281 BC
. Lampsakos, ca. 297/6-282/
1 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander right, with horn of
, Athena seated
left, holding Nike and resting elbow on shield at side, spear
leaning against far shoulder; in inner left field,
in exergue, crescent. Thompson 49; SNG BN 2549; Müller 399.
Struck in high relief. Lightly toned.
About Very Fine
Estimate Value ......................................................$400 - 500
Purchased from an uncertain Malter auction in the 1980s, lot