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Ancient Coins
, S
1561 Sicily, Zankle-Messana. Samian occupation. Silver Tetradrachm (17.23 g), 494/3-490/89 BC
. Year 1 (494/3). Facing lion' s scalp.
Prow of Samian galley left, with ram, akrostolion and fighting platform on deck. Barron 6 (ZA4/ZP5) = Gielow 87 = H. Dressel & K. Reg-
ling, "Zagazig Hoard (1901)," ZfN XXXVI (1927), 10
(this coin
); HGC 2, 772. Ancient test cut on reverse.
Choice Very Fine
Estimate Value .......................................................................................................................................................................$2,500 - 3,000
The Hanbery Collection; Ex Zagazig Hoard (1901).
In 493 BC, Skythes, the tyrant of Zankle in northern Sicily, invited settlers from Samos, Miletos, and other Ionian cities to assist him in founding a
new city to expand Zanklian influence into the territory of the native Sikels. Unfortunately, before the Samians reached Zankle, they were met by
Anaxilas, the tyrant of Rhegion, who convinced them to seize Zankle for themselves while the Skythes and his men were away fighting the
Sikels.When Skythes discovered what had happened, he complained to his powerful patron, Hippokrates of Gela. However, Skythes did not receive
assistance in reclaiming his city as he had expected, but instead found himself imprisoned by Hippokrates and the majority of the male Zanklians
enslaved. In order to cement an alliance with the Samian newcomers, Hippokrates also handed over 300 of the most prominent Zanklians for exe-
cution.The Samian occupation of Zankle lasted for five years, during which time the occupiers struck a coinage featuring lion' s scalp and galley
prow types familiar from the coinage of Samos. The new coinage was distinct in its failure to use any ethnic, perhaps because the Samians, Mile-
sian and their other Ionian allies in the city had not yet developed a collective identity of their own. The coins usually carried Greek letter-numerals
counting the years of the occupation, but some issues of the first year - like the present specimen - lack any
numeral.Inthe end the Samian
adventure at Zankle was all for naught since after five years the occupiers were driven out of the city by Anaxilas of Rhegion himself.
1562 Macedonia, Chalkidian League. Silver Tetrobol (2.31 g), ca. 365 BC
. Olynthos. Laureate head of Apollo left.
kithara. Robinson & Clement 102 (A67/P69); SNG ANS 535. Fine artisitic style and well centered.
Choice Very Fine
Estimate Value ............................................................................................................................................................................ $250 - 300
From the Hanbery Collection; Purchased privately from CNA in the 1980s.