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Ancient Coins
200-piece Collection of Byzantine Bronze Coinage
. Con-
sists of the bronzes issues of
Justinian I, 527-565 thru
Michael VII, 1071-1075.
Mostly AE follis that includes issues
Justin II; Phocas; Justinian II; Leontius; Tiberius III;
Justinian II & Tiberius (S-1428); Philippicus S-1455, S-
1456; Leo III; Constantine V; Leo IV; Constantine VI &
Irene S-1596; Leo V; Michael II; Theophilus; Michael
III; Basil I; Nicephorus I; Leo V; Leo VI; Constantine
VII; Nicephorus II; John I; Constantine VIII; Basil II;
Romanus III; Michael IV; Constantine IX; Theodora;
Isaac I; Constantine X; Romanus IV; Michael VII;
Nicephorus III; Alexius I
. Each coin fully described with D.O.
(Dunbarton Oaks) and Sear numbers. Coins grade
VG to Fine,
some better, someworse. A very worthwhile lot worthy of closer
Estimate Value .................................................... $2,500 - UP
All from the Aurora Family Collection.
53-piece Collection of better Late Roman Coinage
. Con-
sists of coins from
Diocletian AD 284-305 thru Honorius
AD 393-428.
All coins well described including reference num-
bers. Highlights include:
Diocletian AR argenteus S-3504;
Galeria Valeria AE follis S-3730; Severus II AE follis S-
3734; Helena AE 3 S-3908; Decentius AE centenionalis
S-4035; Julian II AE 1 S-4072; Jovian AE 3 S-4087; Val-
ens AR siliqua S-4113; Valentinian II AR siliqua S-4158;
Magnus Maximus AR siliqua S-4201.
Condition ranges from
VG to VF
. Worthy of a close look as this lot contains a number
of very choice quality specimens.
Estimate Value .................................................... $1,500 - UP
All from the Aurora Family Collection.
7-piece group of Byzantine Gold Solidii
. Consists of the fol-
lowing NGC graded gold solidii:
The Three Emperors type of
Heraclius, Sear 758.
Each with different officina letters. Coins
NGC Choice XF (5) and XF (2).
Lot of 7 coins.
Estimate Value ................................................$1,700 - 2,000
5-piece group of Byzantine Gold Solidii
. Consists of the fol-
lowing NGC graded and encapsulated Gold Solidii:
and Heraclius Constantine, 613-641; Constans II, 641-
668 (2 pcs); Constans II and Constantine IV, 654-668
(2 pcs).
Each NGC graded from
Choice VF to Choice AU (2)
and each with grafitti. Lot of 5 coins.
Estimate Value ................................................$1,250 - 1,500
7-piece Collection of Byzantine Silver Half-Siliqua
. Con-
sists of the following AR ½ siliqua:
Justin II S-392; Phocas
S-682, S-683 (very rare); Heraclius S-871 (3); Constans
II S-1050.
Coins grade
Fine to Very Fine.
All are scarce and
each is fully described including D.O. (Dunbarton Oaks) and
Sear reference numbers.
Estimate Value .................................................... $1,000 - UP
All from the Aurora Family Collection.
12-piece Collection of Late Byzantine Silver Coinage
Consists of varioius silver issues from
Manuel I, 1238-1263
thru John VIII, 1423-1428.
Each is fully described with ref-
erence numbers. Coins range in grade from
VG to VF
. An inter-
esting group and all are scarce.
Estimate Value .................................................... $1,000 - UP
All from the Aurora Family Collection.
6-piece lot of Byzantine Silver Hexagrams
. Consists of the
following AR hexagrams:
Heraclius, S-798 (3); Constans II,
S-991, S-996, S-998.
Each is fully described and grade
Estimate Value ..................................................... $600 - 800
All from the Aurora Family Collection.
187-piece Collection of Byzantine Bronze Coinage
. Each
in a 2" x 2" envelop and most well described with references
numbers, etc. Mostly lower grades and mostly different. Also
includes 10 Late Roman small bronzes for
a total of 197
Well worth inspecting prior to bidding.
Estimate Value .................................................... $1,000 - UP
All from the Aurora Family Collection.
153-piece Collection of Byzantine Bronzes
. Consists of
Justin I, 518-527 (9); Justinian I, 527-565 (4); Herac-
lius, 610-641 (140).
Each coin is fully described includidng
D.O. (Dunbarton Oaks) and Sear reference numbers. Coins
grade mostly
Very Good to Fine,
some better, some worse.
We urge interested parties to allow enough time to examine this
worthwhile lot.
Estimate Value .................................................... $2,000 - UP
All from the Aurora Family Collection.
110-piece Collection of Late Byzantine Bronze Coinage
Consists of mostly
later Byzantine rulers thru the Latin
Empeors and Arab-Byzantine issues.
Mostly different and
each is fully described. This interesting lot includes some rare
and seldom seen coins. Condition ranges from
Good to Very
Estimate Value .................................................... $2,000 - UP
All from the Aurora Family Collection.
17-piece Collection of Byzantine Silver Miliarense
. Con-
sists of the following AR miliarense:
Leo III, S-1512; Leo IV,
S-1585; Leo V, S-1628; Theophilus, S-1661, S-1663;
Michael III, S-1690, S-1690, S-1691; Basil I, S-1708
(2); Leo VI, S-1727; Nicephorus II, S-1781; John I, S-
1792 (3); Basil II, S-1810; Constantine IX, S-1834
rare, only fair). Each is well described including reference num-
bers. Except as noted, coins grade
Fine to Extremely Fine.
Estimate Value .................................................... $2,000 - UP
All from the Aurora Family Collection.
52-piece Collection of Arab-Byzantine Coinage
. Consists
of mostly Turkoman Figural Bronze coinage that includes the
Urtukis; Ataregs; Zenguids; Eyoubites; etc.
includes some
silver dirhams and a Ghaznavid gold dinar
All coins are well described. Condition ranges from
Good to
Very Fine.
A most unusual offering that deserves inspection
prior to bidding.
Estimate Value .................................................... $2,000 - UP
All from the Aurora Family Collection.
4-piece Roman Coin and Jewelry Lot
. Consists of:
and Marcus Aurelius AR denarius, each in Fine; Trajan
Decius AR antoninianus in VF; Constantine the Great AE
4 in VF housed inside a yellow 18kt bezel pendant.
Estimate Value ......................................................$200 - 250
Classical Greek Study Collection
. A total of
44 Becker and
British Museum copies
of the classical rarities. Most are
COPY, BECKER, BM or numbered
on the edges.
SOLD AS IS. Lot of 44 coins.
Estimate Value .................................................... $2,500 - UP
All from the Aurora Family Collection.
Roman Sestertii Study Collection
. A total of
46 different
Museum copies
of different emperors and empresses from
Julius Caesar to Diadumenian.
Includes 5 different denarii
copies. Each with a
museum number or COPY stamped on
the edge.
SOLD AS IS. Lot of 46 coins.
Estimate Value .................................................... $2,000 - UP
All from the Aurora Family Collection.