bid online at
www.goldbergcoins.com(800) 978-COIN (2646)
Ancient Coins
6-piece Collection of Roman Bronze As
. Consists of the fol-
lowing AE As:
Nerva; Hadrian; Marcus Aurelius; Caracalla;
Severus Alexander; Julia Mamaea.
Each is described with
reference numbers. Coins grade mostly
Very Fine.
Estimate Value .......................................................$500 - UP
All from the Aurora Family Collection.
32-piece Collection of Silver Denarii of the Severans
Consists of the following AR denarii:
Septimius Severus (4);
Julia Domna (5); Caracalla (7); Geta ((3); Elagabalus
(2); Julia Paula (1); Julia Soaemias (1); Julia Maesa (1);
Severus Alexander (5)' Julia Mamaea (1); Maximinus I
All different and each well described including reference
numbers. Coins grade mostly
Fine to Very Fine
, some worse,
some better. Well worth a closer inspection.
Estimate Value .................................................... $1,500 - UP
All from the Aurora Family Collection.
32-piece Collection of Roman Antoniniani
. Consists of the
reigns of Valerian I, AD 253-260 thru Maximianus, AD 286-305:
Valerian I (1); Mariniana (1); Gallienus (3); Salonina
(1); Valerian II (2); Saloninus (1); Macrianus (1); Qui-
etus (3); Postumus (2); Marius (1); Victorinus (1); Tetri-
cus I (1); Tetricus II (1); Claudius II (1); Aurelian (1);
Severina (1); Tacitus (1); Probus (3); Carus (1); Nume-
rian (1); Carinus (2); Maximianus (1).
Each is well
described including reference numbers. Coins grade mostly
Fine to Extremely Fine.
Includes some very scarce issues
and we urge inspection prior to bidding.
Estimate Value .................................................... $1,250 - UP
All from the Aurora Family Collection.
10-piece Collection of Roman Bronze Sestertii
. Contains
the following AE sestertii:
Faustina Senior, C-88; Faustina
Junior, C-4; Severus Alexander, C-35, C-509; Maximus,
C-14 var; Gordian III, C-43; Gordian III, C-43, C-111, C-
244; Philip I, C-51; Volusian, C-140.
Coins grade
A lovely group, each fully described and well worth our
conservative estimate.
Estimate Value .................................................... $1,000 - UP
All from the Aurora Family Collection.
8-piece group of Silver Denarii of the Antonines
. Consists
of the following AR denarii:
Antoninus Pius, S-4094; Anton-
inus Pius, S-5190; Faustina Senior, S-4574; Faustina
Junior, S-5260; Lucilla, S-5491; Commodus, S-5701 var;
Commodus, S-5704; Commodus, C-568.
Each fully
described. Coins grade
Very Fine or better.
Estimate Value .......................................................$750 - UP
All from the Aurora Family Collection.
55-piece lot of Roman Coins from the Hanbery Collec-
. Consists of coins from the
Roman Republic thru Byz-
antine Periods.
Includes both Silver and Bronze and a
number of interesting Colonial issues seldom offered. Coins are
Very Fine,
some worse, some better. We urge inspec-
tion and please allow enough time to view. Well worth in excess
of our conservative estimate. Lot of 55 coins.
Estimate Value .................................................... $2,000 - UP
All from the Hanbery Collection.
4-piece lot of Scarce Roman Antoniniani
. Consists of one
each of the following billon antoniniani:
Florianus; Magna
Urbica; Carausius; Allectus.
Each is well described with ref-
erence numbers. Coins grade
Very Fine or better.
and all are
Estimate Value .......................................................$500 - UP
All from the Aurora Family Collection.