OxfordMint Pattern 1644 Shilling
Charles I, (1625-1649). Silver Pattern Shilling, Oxford mint, 1644. 5.80g. Crowned bust left breaking inner
beaded circle top and bottom, value behind, initial mark Shrewsbury style plume with single band. Rev. Latin
Declaration in three lines with colon lozenge stops, scroll lines above and below, date and OX below, central
Oxford plume above with Shrewsbury style plume either side, beaded circles and legend surrounding, initial
mark four lozenges, die axis at 9 o’clock. (Brooker -; Lockett 2469; N 2712; S -).
Extremely rare.
On a broad
flan, flan flaws on the reverse and blank filing marks evident both sides in corresponding parts, and lightly
toned. Very fine.
$ 5,500
Ex Spink Numismatic Circular, September 2010, item HS4341, illustrated on the front cover.
Charles I, (1625-1649). Silver, Halfgroat, undated, 0.78g, Oxford mint, initial mark Plain Cross. Crowned
bust left, value behind. Rev.
Large plumes on reverse, legend surrounding, initial mark plumes. (Brooker
965; N 2474; S 2996).
Lightly toned with a few light marks. Very fine.
$ 500