James I, (1603-1625). Dutch Silver Medal, 1619. The Synod of Dort (Dordrecht), 59 mm, 40.1g, by
Cornelius Wyntjes. The crowned Belgic Lion to left, the name of Johovah above, radiate, RELIGIONE
ET IVSTICIA RESTITVTIS. Rev. Crowned shield of the arms of Prince Maurice, Garter around and two
clasped hands below, RESPVBLICA DEMVM FLOREBIT. (MI 223/79; vL II, 113). Struck on a thin flan.
Extremely fine.
$ 1,000
from the collection of medals formed by William Victor Royle Baldwin (known as Roy or Uncle Roy), one of A H Baldwin & Sons
Ltd founder’s three sons, he was born in 1893
James I had advocated a national synod to consider the controversy in the Dutch churches initiated by the rise of Arminianism. It
was attended by delegates from Britain and seven other foreign countries. It was held between the 13 November 1618 and 9 May
1642 Triple Unite