Judaea, Bar Kokhba Revolt. Silver Zuz (3.54 g), 132-135 CE. Undated, attributed to year 3 (134/5
CE). ‘Simon’ (Paleo-Hebrew), bunch of grapes with leaf and tendril. Rev. ‘For the freedom of Jerusalem’
(Paleo-Hebrew), two upright trumpets with dot between. (Mildenberg 167.55 (O21/R107; this coin); TJC
277; Hendin 1431). Toned. Extremely fine.
$ 600
ex Daniel Friedenberg Collection (Goldberg 25, 6 February 2004), lot 3090.
Judaea, Bar Kokhba Revolt. Silver Zuz (3.37 g), 132-135 CE. Undated, attributed to year 3 (134/5 CE).
‘Simon’ (Paleo-Hebrew), bunch of grapes with leaf and tendril. Rev. ‘For the freedom of Jerusalem’ (Pa-
leo-Hebrew), two upright trumpets with dot between. (Mildenberg 152 (O11/R85); TJC 277; Hendin
1431). Well struck, well centered and nicely toned. Extremely fine.
$ 600
Purchased privately from I. Goldberg, January 1999.
Judaea, Bar Kokhba Revolt. Silver Zuz (3.18 g), 132-135 CE. Undated, attributed to year 3 (134/5
CE). ‘Simon’ (Paleo-Hebrew), bunch of grapes with leaf and tendril. Rev. ‘For the freedom of Jerusalem’
(Paleo-Hebrew), fluted jug with handle on left; in right field, willow branch. (Mildenberg 189.1 (O22/
R123; this coin); TJC 285; Hendin 1433).
Extremely rare - only two specimens cited by Mildenberg, this being
the one selected to illustrate the dies.
Toned. Superb extremely fine.
$ 1,000
ex Leu 75 (25 October 1999), lot 1395
ex El Fawar Hoard.