Judaea, Bar Kokhba Revolt. Silver Zuz (3.13 g), 132-135 CE. Undated, attributed to year 3 (134/5 CE).
‘Simon’ (Paleo-Hebrew), bunch of grapes with leaf and tendril. Rev. ‘For the freedom of Jerusalem’ (Pa-
leo-Hebrew), elongated lyre with three strings. (Mildenberg 176 (O22/R110); TJC 274; Hendin 1435).
Very rare - only six specimens cited by Mildenberg.
A nice bold impression and lightly toned. Luster present.
Extremely fine.
$ 700
ex Dr. Jon Kardatzke Collection, III (Goldberg 5, 4-7 June 2000), lot 3321.
Judaea, Bar Kokhba Revolt. Silver Zuz (2.90 g), 132-135 CE. Undated, attributed to year 3 (134/5
CE). ‘Simon’ (Paleo-Hebrew), bunch of grapes with leaf and tendril. Rev. ‘For the freedom of Jerusalem’
(Paleo-Hebrew), elongated lyre with three strings. (Mildenberg 215 (O24/R112); TJC 274; Hendin 1435).
Extremely rare - only three specimens cited by Mildenberg.
Lustrous. Extremely fine.
$ 700
ex Shoshana Collection, part 1 (8-9 March 2012), lot 20496.
Judaea, Bar Kokhba Revolt. Silver Zuz (3.27 g), 132-135 CE. Undated, attributed to year 3 (134/5
CE). ‘Simon’ (Paleo-Hebrew), bunch of grapes with leaf and tendril. Rev. ‘For the freedom of
Jerusalem’ (Paleo-Hebrew), elongated lyre with three strings. (Mildenberg 159 (O21/
R67); TJC 274; Hendin 1435). Well struck on a wide flan. Lightly toned. Nearly mint state.
$ 700
Purchased privately at the NYINC, January 2002.
The grape bunch and kinnor type combination of this and the following undated zuzim continue types first introduced for the silver
denomination in the second year (133/4 CE) of the Bar Kochba War.