Judaea, Bar Kokhba Revolt. Æ Medium Bronze (9.63 g), 132-135 CE. Year 2 (133/4 CE). ‘Sma’
(abbreviating Simon; Paleo-Hebrew), seven-branched palm tree with two bunches of dates. Rev. ‘Year two
of the redemption of Israel’ (Paleo-Hebrew), vine leaf on tendril. (Mildenberg 73 (O6/R37); TJC 260a;
Hendin 1408). Earthen-green patina. Extremely fine.
$ 500
Purchased privately, October 2006.
The middle bronze denomination of the second year (133/4 CE) of the Bar Kochba War maintained the same palm tree and vine
leaf types of the first year, no doubt because they had become such distinctive symbols of Judaea and the Jews in the first century
CE and appealed to the nationalist sentiment of the rebels.
Judaea, Bar Kokhba Revolt. Æ Medium Bronze (11.78 g), 132-135 CE. Year 2 (133/4 CE). ‘Sma’
(abbreviating Simon; Paleo-Hebrew), seven-branched palm tree with two bunches of dates. Rev. ‘Year two
of the redemption of Israel’ (Paleo-Hebrew), vine leaf on tendril. (Mildenberg 71 (O5/R35); TJC 260a;
Hendin 1408). Lovely earthen-green patina. Extremely fine.
$ 500
Purchased from E. Waddell online sale, September 2003, lot 73.