Fantastic Bar Kokhba Year Two ‘Abu Jara’
Judaea, Bar Kokhba Revolt. Æ Large Bronze (16.79 g), 132-135 CE. Year 2 (133/4 CE). ‘Jerusalem’
(Paleos-Hebrew within wreath with medallion at top. Rev. ‘Year two of the freedom of Israel’ (Paleo
Hebrew), amphora with two handles. (Mildenberg 18 (O5/R12); TJC 255; Hendin 1404). Struck
from the finest of the “Abu Jara” dies, and lacking the typical large flan crack that (Mildenberg notes
is found on most specimens struck from these dies. A beautiful example. Sandy-green patina.
Extremely fine.
$ 20,000
Purchased privately, July 7, 2002 at the NYINC.
The large bronze denomination of the second year (133/4 CE) of the Bar Kokhba War is often known by the Arabic nickname “Abu
Jara” meaning “father of the jar” because of its very large size and its prominent depiction of an amphora or jar (“jara”). Unlike the
majority of the Bar Kochba coins struck in the second year, this one names Jerusalem rather than Simon bar Kochba on the obverse.
This example is especially desirable as it is struck from the very finest of the Abu Jara dies.