Choice 1909-S $5 Indian
Gem 1910-D $5 Indian
1909-S. PCGS graded MS-63.
Well struck with
lovely golden toning. Although this date and mint ap-
pears to have a sufficient mintage of 297,200 pieces,
nearly all those that survived are circulated. Only a
few dozen merit the grade of MS-63 or finer which
keeps prices for examples like this strong, as quality
is in high demand for any 1909-S half eagle.
Pop 29;
22 finer (PCGS # 8516)
Estimated Value.............................. $7,000 - 8,000
Ex. US Gold from a prominent midwestern family
1910. PCGS graded MS-63 PQ.
CAC Approved
Rich golden toning
and especially handsome for the grade assigned
(PCGS # 8517)
Estimated Value .................................................................. $850 - 900
Ex. US Gold from a prominent midwestern family collection.
1910-D. PCGS graded MS-65 PQ
CAC Approved
Well struck with lovely rich golden toning. A coin
that should be regraded. At present, PCGS has graded a
scant 5 examples as MS-66 or finer of this date and this coin
clearly should be elevated to that lofty position as MS-66
or finer. The surfaces are alive with mint luster and show
virtually no signs of bag handling. The strike is bold for this
scrace date. Only 193,600 pieces were struck and this is one
of the finest known today. With the splendid orange-gold
color throughout, the total originality of this majectic piece is
beyond question. An absolutely amazing coin and destined
for one of the finest collections of this series.
It is important here to note what an unusual coin this is to
have earned a Gold
sticker. For the entire Indian half
eagle series, a total of 12 coins have been awarded a Gold
sticker, each of these after careful consideration of
being undergraded by a full grade point. As CAC does not
recognize the “+” grade that implies they believe the current
coin to be at least MS-66. As the finest seen of this date is
MS-67, this coin becomes one of the top half dozen known.
Furthermore, of the 12 gold stickers issued by
on this
particular series (for both PCGS and NGC coins) all them fall
into the grade category of AU-55 to MS-62 where an ad-
ditional grade point is not always that important to achieve.
On this incredible condition rarity, a single grade point
means a tremendous amount of value and a huge notch up
into the Condition Census for this prized issue.
Pop 7; 6
finer (PCGS # 8518)
Estimated Value..................................... $20,000 - 25,000
Ex. US Gold from a prominent midwestern family collection.