Superb Example of a Gold Angelot of King Henry VI
Henry VI, King of England and France (1422-53), gold Angelot D’Or. St Lô Mint, issued from 24th May
1427, standing figures of Angel Gabriel with outstretched wings behind shields of France and England,
Latin legend and beaded borders surrounding, initial mark fleur de lis, hENRICVS: FRANCORV: ET:
ANGLIE: REX, Rev. Latin cross, lis to left, lion to right, Latin legend and beaded border surrounding,
initial mark fleur de lis, mullet stops, XPC: VINCIT: XPC’: REGNAT: XPC’: ImPERAT, weight 2.30g
(Schneider 134; Elias 277; AGC 394A dies 2/a; S. 8165; Fr 17), in PCGS holder graded Uncirculated De-
tails (Tooled). . A very pleasing example of this
very rare
PCGS certification 34313462.
Arles-Archbishopric. Etienne II De La Garde (1351-1359). gold Florin D’Or, undated. Florentine lily,
S.AREL ARchP, Rev. St. John, 3.4g (Fr 24; Dup 1746; Poey A 4105). Nearly mint state, as struck with
considerable luster.