Henry VI, King of England and France (1422-53), gold Salut D’Or. Rouen Mint, second issue (issued
from 6th September 1423), standing figures of Virgin Mary and Angel Gabriel behind shields of France
and England, sun rays above, AVE on scroll downwards between, Latin legend and beaded borders sur-
rounding, initial mark lion, hENRICVS: DEI: GRA: FRACORV: Z: AGLIE: REX, pellet in annulet below
last letter both sides, Rev. Latin cross, lis to left, lion to right, h below, tressure of ten arcs surrounding, lis
on each cusp, Latin legend and beaded border surrounding, initial mark lion, mullet stops, XPC’*VINCIT*
XPC’* REGNAT* XPC’* ImPERAT, weight 3.49g (Schneider 114; Elias 270; AGC 386F dies 1/b; S.
8164; Fr 18). A little double-struck, scrape on reverse by cross, otherwise crisp, in PCGS holder
graded MS 63.
PCGS certification 34313115
Henry VI, King of England and France (1422-53), gold Salut D’Or. St Lo Mint, second issue from 6th
September 1423, standing figures of Virgin Mary and Angel Gabriel behind shields of France and En-
gland, sun rays above, AVE on scroll downwards between, Latin legend and beaded borders surrounding,
initial mark fleur de lis, hENRICVS: DEI: GRA: FRACORV: Z: AGLIE: REX, Rev. Latin cross, lis to left,
lion to right, h below, tressure of ten arcs surrounding, lis on each cusp, Latin legend and beaded border
surrounding, initial mark fleur de lis, mullet stops, XPC’*VINCIT* XPC’* REGNAT* XPC’* ImPERAT,
weight 3.50g (Schneider 118/9; Elias 271; AGC 387A dies 2/a; S. 8164; Fr 18). Well struck, in PCGS hold-
er graded MS 63.
PCGS certification 34313118