2140 Medal. Silver. 91.5 mm. 255.2 gm. By J.B. Gass.
Count Alexey Grigorievich
Orlov. Award Medal of the Admiralty Collegium, 1770.
Diakov 153.1, Reichel
4469, Tiregal 107. Uniformed half-length bust of Count Orlov r., head facing,
wearing the plumed helmet of the Cavalry Guard helmet, and holding a staff /
Intricate map of Chesmé Bay showing the Russian and Turkish fleets arrayed in
their battle positions, small cherub head below blowing the wind right.
Light golden tone over numerous contact marks and few old scratches
About extremely fine
$ 7,500
This magnificent piece was issued as an Award Medal for the Archipelago Expedition of 1769-1770 during the
Russo-Turkish War of 1768-1774. Count Orlov had entered the Mediterranean to destroy the Ottoman fleet and
encourage rebellion among the Greeks in the Morea. The Russian victory at Chesmé was decisive, with the Ottoman
fleet burned. Following further setbacks on the Danube, the Sublime Porte was forced to sign the Treaty of Küçük
Kaïnarji (1774), concluding the war. Gold and Silver Medals were presented to high-ranking officers and participants
in the Battle of Chesmé. Meanwhile, during the anniversary celebrations of June 24, 1771 marking the naval victory,
all attendees were presented with medals honoring Count Orlov, presumably nearly all Bronze.
Ex Glendining & Co, London, 13 May 1992, lot # 141.
Ex “The New York Sale”, New York, January 7, 2010, lot # 1122