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Ancient Coins
L. Papius. Silver Denarius (3.82 g), 79 BC
. Rome. Head of
Juno Sospita right, wearing goat' s skin headdress; behind,
L PAPI in exergue, griffin springing right;
below, stern of a ship. Crawford 384/1 (symbols 134); Syden-
ham 773; Papia 1. Nicely toned.
Extremely Fine
Estimate Value ..................................................... $500 - 600
From The Herbert & Aphrodite Rubin Collection; Purchased pri-
vately from Ariadne Galleries in the 1970s-1980s.
L. Papius. Silver Denarius (3.73 g), 79 BC
. Rome. Head of
Juno Sospita right, wearing goat' s skin headdress; behind,
female (nanny-)goat' s head facing, horns adorned with fillets.
L PAPI in exergue, griffin sprining right; below, male
(billy-)goat' s head facing, horns adorned with fillets. Crawford
384/1 (symbols 50); Sydenham 773; Papia 1. Nicely toned.
Very Fine
Estimate Value ..................................................... $250 - 300
Although the moneyer is unknown except for his coins, the
coins are very popular with collectors for the interesting controls
they display, which according to Crawford "are no more than a
random selection of pairs of everyday objects" (p. 399). Papius
used two related symbols, one on the obverse die, the other on
the reverse, to keep track of production and to control losses
amongst the slaves at the mint. Each pair of controls only has
one set of dies. On this particular coin the paired symbols are
facing goats' heads, their horns adorned with fillets. This per-
haps alludes to the herders who kept goats for the numerous
sacrifices required by Roman religion.
L. Papius. Silver Denarius (3.69 g), 79 BC
. Rome. Head of
Juno Sospita right, wearing goat' s skin headdress; behind, but-
terfly right.
L PAPI in exergue, griffin sprining right;
below, wasp right. Crawford 384/1 (symbols 15); Sydenham
773; Papia 1. Attractively toned.
About Very Fine
Estimate Value ..................................................... $200 - 250
L. Lucretius Trio. Silver Denarius (3.64 g), 74 BC
. Rome.
Radiate head of Sol right.
L LVCRETI in exergue, TRIO
above, crescent moon with seven stars. Crawford 390/1; Syden-
ham 783; Lucretia 2. Toned.
Choice Very Fine
Estimate Value ..................................................... $250 - 300
The Aurora Family Collection, purchased in 1966.
L. Lucretius Trio. Silver Denarius (3.91 g), 74 BC
. Rome.
Laureate head of Neptune right, trident at shoulder; above
L LVCRETI / TRIO in two lines below, winged
Genius on dolphin right. Crawford 390/2; Sydenham 784; Lucre-
tia 3. Lustrous.
Extremely Fine
Estimate Value ......................................................$250 - 300