These Terms and Conditions of Sale set forth the terms of a public auction sale conducted in Los Angeles, California by Ira & Larry
Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc., a Nevada corporation, California Auction Bond No. 3S95453300 (hereinafter, the “Auctioneer” or
“Goldberg”). The Terms and Conditions of sale, the glossary, if any, and all other contents of this catalog are subject to amendment by
us by the posting of notices or by oral announcements made during the sale. By participating in any sale, you acknowledge that you are
bound by these terms and conditions.
This catalog contains the descrip-
tion of property of multiple consignors (the
“Consignors”), and may include consignments
from Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collect-
ibles, Inc., its principals, and affiliated or relat-
ed companies and their employees, officers, or
principals. All persons seeking to bid, wheth-
er in person, through an agent or employee,
or by telephone, facsimile or mail, must have
a catalogue and register to bid at the auction,
either by completing a registration card or by
completing the bid sheet incorporated into
the catalogue. The Purchaser acknowledges
that an invoice describing a lot by number in-
corporates the catalogue by reference.
By submitting a bid, whether in per-
son, by mail, by phone, by facsimile or through
an employee or agent, the Bidder acknowl-
edges (i) receipt of the catalogue, (ii) that the
Bidder has read the Terms and Conditions of
Sale and the descriptions for the lots on which
they have bid, and (iii) that they agree to ad-
here to these Terms and Conditions of Sale.
Acceptance of Bids: Anyone wishing to place
bids on lots who will not be attending the live
auction must submit their bid(s) at least six
(6) business hours prior to the auction ses-
sion. Bidder is responsible for verifying said
bids were received by Goldberg.
Each Bidder’s determination of it’s
bid should be based upon its own examina-
tion of the item(s), rather than the grade rep-
resented in this Catalogue or elsewhere. In
any purchase or sale, the value of the item(s)
is determined by the price.
All Floor Bidders acknowledge that
the Auctioneer can decline to accept bids from
the a Floor Bidder who is known to have not,
in fact, examined the lot prior to the sale.
All material shall be sold in sepa-
rate lots to the highest Bidder as determined
by Auctioneer. If any dispute arises during
or immediately after the sale of a lot, Auc-
tioneer shall have the right to rescind the lot
offered and put the lot up for sale again. In
all cases, Auctioneer’s decision shall be final.
For the protection of any Mail Bidder, no “un-
limited” or “buy” bids will be accepted. Ira
& Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc.
shall have the right in its sole and absolute
discretion to reject any such bid received.
When identical bids are received for a lot,
preference is given to the first bid received
as determined by the Auctioneer. A mail bid
will take precedence over an identical floor
bid; a Floor Bidder must bid higher than
the highest mail bid to be awarded any lot.
Bids must be for an entire lot and
each lot constitutes a separate sale. No lot
will be broken up unless the Auctioneer de-
termines otherwise. Lots will be sold in their
numbered sequence unless Auctioneer directs
All lots may carry a reserve. For pur-
poses of these Terms and Conditions of Sale,
a reserve means a confidential price below
which the Auctioneer will not sell an item or
will re-purchase on behalf of the Consignor or
for the account of Goldberg.
The Auctioneer may open the bid-
ding on any lot by placing a bid on behalf of
the seller; a Bidder by mail, telephone or fac-
simile; or any other participant in the sale.
The Auctioneer may also bid on behalf of the
Consignor up to the amount of the reserve, by
(i) accepting bids from floor agents on behalf
of the Consignor, or any affiliated or related
company of the Auctioneer or the Consignor;
(ii) by placing successive or consecutive bids
for any lot; or (iii) by placing bids in response
to other Bidders.
Auctioneer reserves the right, at his
sole discretion, (i) to accept or decline any bid,
(ii) to accept or decline any challenge to any
bid or bidding increment, (iii) to reduce any
mail bid received, (iv) to open the bidding of
a lot at any level deemed appropriate by the
Auctioneer, and (v) to determine the prevail-
ing bid. Bids will not be knowingly accepted
from persons under eighteen (18) years of age
without a parent’s written consent contain-
ing an acknowledgment that the Terms and
Conditions of Sale herein and indicating their
agreement to be bound thereby on behalf of
the Bidder.
It is unlawful and illegal for Bidders
to collude, pool, or agree with another bidder
to pay less than the fair value for a lot. Bid-
ders in the sale acknowledge that the law pro-
vides for substantial penalties in the form of
treble damages and attorneys’ fees and costs
for those who violate these provisions.
Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Col-
lectibles, Inc. reserves the right to withdraw
any lot at any time, even after the hammer has
fallen, until the Purchaser has taken physical
possession of the lot. No Consignor who has
registered to bid at the sale (or at any other
time unless otherwise provided in the con-
signment agreement), or any Purchaser or
prospective Bidder shall have a right to claim
any damages, direct, consequential or other-
wise, if a lot is withdrawn, even after the sale.
A Bidder should
make certain to bid on the correct lot and that
the bid is for an amount
(plus the Seventeen
and one half percent (17.5%) Buyer’s
that he or she is willing and able
to pay. Since other Bidders (by mail, facsim-
ile or other electronic media and in person)
will be present, and since a re-offering could
damage the momentum of the sale, once the
hammer has fallen and the Auctioneer has an-
nounced the winning Bidder, such Bidder is
unconditionally bound to pay for the lot, even
if the Bidder has made a mistake.
All lots sold to the highest Bidder as deter-
mined by Auctioneer are final. Floor Bidders
are encouraged to carefully examine all lots
which they are interested in purchasing be-
cause all sales of items viewed by Purchasers
in advance of a sale, even if the sale is by mail,
telephone or facsimile, and all lots bid upon
by the Floor Bidders, together with all
presenting Goldberg with a
(Continued on
next page)