Formed in 1998 the New York Sale partnership currently comprises four of the most prestigious numismatic auction houses in the world, who
together form a powerful international force in the numismatic industry. Original partners A. H. Baldwin & Sons Ltd (London, UK) and
M&MNumismatics Ltd (Washington DC, USA and Basel, Switzerland) were subsequently joined by Dmitry Markov Coins &Medals of New
York (USA) in 2000 and Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles Inc of California (USA) in 2014. The partnership has expanded to hold
three multi-million dollar sales per year, specializing in Ancient and World Coins and Russian Coins and Medals.
Held in conjunction with one of the largest annual numismatic events (The New York International Numismatic Convention) the
group holds three auctions on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of the week long conference in January and has held over 33 auctions
since its conception. By combining a vast array of experience and knowledge the group strives to offer the best service to their clients
and customers, whether buying at the auction or as a potential vendor for the sale, any one of the partners can offer advice. Catalogues
are produced to the highest possible standard and may be used as a useful reference for serious buyers and coin collectors.
Over the years the partnership has aimed to achieve the best possible prices for their vendors and undertake a marketing strategywhich is proven by the
excellent results achieved year upon year. In 2004 the sale of an 1825 Russian silver Rouble for US$603,750 broke the world record price achieved for any
non-US coin sold by public auction and since then lots have regularly attained prices well above estimate. In 2008 results from the Italian section of the
sale made a staggering US$1,118,400, four times the pre-sale estimate. The famous Prospero collection of Ancient Greek coins was professionally
presented by the group in 2012 and resulted in numerous world records, finally realising in excess of US$26,000,000 for the 642 lots after 8 hours of
auctioneering. The printed auction catalogue will remain amajor reference work formany years to come and is a ‘must have’ for any collector of the series.
A. H. Baldwin & Sons Ltd, London
Founded in 1872, A. H. Baldwin
& Sons Ltd set up their in-house auction department ‘Baldwin’s Auctions’ in 1993 and
have since expanded to hold regular auctions of all numismatic material in London,
NewYork, Hong Kong. Baldwin’s have been based in central London for over 100
years and are the last remaining traditional coin dealers in London offering an old-
fashioned personal service to help you build your collection with confidence.
Our extensive library, comprising thousands of reference books, allows us to research
thoroughly all aspects of numismatics fromAncient times to the present day. Today
our staff of numismatists include: Edward Baldwin (European, Colonial, Oriental and
Russian coins), Neil Paisley (English coins), Jeremy Cheek (World coins), Richard
Gladdle (World coins), Chris Tyrimos (General numismatics), Simon Noble (General
numismatics) and Seth Freeman (British Tokens and Banknotes).
Themerger ofBaldwin’swithNoble Investments(UK)PLC in2005, and the acquisition in
early2008ofApexPhilatelicsLtd. and of
Dreweatts&BloomsburyAuctionsin 2012
, has
seen the company expand tobecome a formidablemarket player offering a complete
package for any collectorof coins, stamps, fine art and collectables. Inmore recent times
(2013), Baldwin’shasbecome a partof theStanleyGibbonsGroupplc andisnowamore
powerful London StockExchangelisted collectablesretailer and‘top 5’ UKauctioneer.
Baldwin’s has been a member of the International Association of Professional
Numismatists (IAPN) since 1969, and is also a founder member of the British
Numismatic Trade Association (BNTA), the British Antique Dealer’s Association
(BADA) and individuals on their staff are members of the American Numismatic
Association (ANA) and the Royal Numismatic Society (RNS).
Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc.
Founded in 1998. Ira and Larry Goldberg have more than 100 years of
experience between them, having started working as very young men
at Superior Stamp and Coin Company in Los Angeles, California, a
prominent company founded by their grandfather in 1931.
Ira and Larry Goldberg refer to their company as a boutique auction
house, because of the personal, specialized service they offer to their
consignors. Their auction house provides live and online auctions of
United States coins and currency, world and ancient coins, numismatics,
and manuscripts and collectibles to collectors, dealers, and investors.
Ira and Larry have assembled and auctioned some of the most
important collections ever sold, including the 2008 Millennia
Collection, which realized $23,000,000, a one- day, single-owner sale
of World and Ancient coins; and the 2014 Missouri Cabinet
Collection of U.S. Half-Cent coins, which realized $18,000,000. In
November of 2005, the Goldbergs privately sold the world-
renowned King of Siam Set for a record-breaking $8.5 million.
Ira is an expert on United States coinage, from colonial through modern
issues, and an authority on ancient Greek, Roman, and Judean coinage and
antiquities, as well as world gold coins, crowns, and minors. Larry is an
expert on all phases of United States coinage, as well as U.S. paper money
and world gold and silver coins. Both Ira and Larry are valuations
contributors to the Red Book and the Blue Book. Both belong to the
Professional Numismatist Guild, of which Ira served as president and
director, and both belong to the American Numismatic Association, which
awarded them a Lifetime Achievement Award in 2011
Dmitry Markov Coins & Medals, New York
Dmitry Markov's interest in coin collecting goes back to 1972. In 1985 he
graduated from the History Department of the Kiev State University
(Ukraine) and received his M.A. for the thesis -
"Monetary Circulation in
Ancient Russia (8th to 13th cent. A.D.)"
. His broad interests in numismatics
include Russia, Ancient Coinage especially those of the Northern Black Sea
area, as well as Islamic Central Asia and Caucasus. He has published a number
of research articles in these fields.
After coming to the U.S. in 1990, Dmitry Markov founded "Dmitry Markov
Coins & Medals," a well-known leading firm dealing. Dmitry Markov’s
continuing research on Russian, Ancient and Islamic coinage makes an
invaluable addition to his very extensive auction catalogs. He issued over 40
illustrated reference catalogues, as well as many other fixed price lists.
Dmitry Markov Coins & Medals have been an elected member of the
International Association of Professional Numismatists (IAPN) since 2000. Also
a Life Member of the American Numismatic Association (ANA), American
Numismatic Society (ANS), a Life Member of the Orders & Medals Society of
America (OMSA), as well as many other trade and collectors associations.
M&MNumismatics Ltd, Washington DC& Switzerland
MünzenundMedaillenAG(M&M)wasestablishedinBasel, Switzerlandin
1941. The founderswere the brothersDr.ErichCahn andDr.HerbertCahn,
professionalnumismatists, togetherwith several eminent Swisscollectors.
M&Mbecame well-known in the post WWII period for its monthly fixed
price lists, a series which continued for over 60 years. The firm has also
conducted over 100 auctions, including great collections such as the Rosen
(Ancient electrum), Bally (Roman), Kohlmoos (crown-sized coins) Sutter
(Italy and Sicily) and many others. In partnership with Leu Numismatik,
M&M also auctioned the Kunstfrend and Niggeler collections.
In the 1990s, Dr. Hans Voegtli assumed responsibility for Ancient coins
and Dr. Bernhard Schulte for Medieval and modern coins. In 1996, M&M
Numismatics opened in Washington, DCwith Lucien Birkler as managing
director. In 1997, M&MDeutschland opened inWeil amRein, Germany,
with Joachim Stollhoff as managing director. The Basel office closed in
2004, but both the American and German firms remain active. Today both
companies continue the long tradition of serving collectors and look
forward to serving your numismatics needs now and in the future.