Judaea, Bar Kokhba Revolt. Silver Zuz (3.52 g), 132-135 CE. Undated, attributed to year 3 (134/5
CE). ‘Simon’ (Paleo-Hebrew) within wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, with a
medallion at top and tendrils at bottom; pairs of dots between each section of wreath. Rev. ‘For the freedom of
Jerusalem’ (Paleo-Hebrew), elongated lyre with three strings. (Mildenberg 94 (O15/R63); TJC 272a; Hen-
din 1424).
Scarce - only eleven specimens cited by Mildenberg.
Lustrous and finer than the plated specimen.
Superb extremely fine.
$ 600
Purchased privately, July 1988.
Judaea, Bar Kokhba Revolt. Silver Zuz (3.16 g), 132-135 CE. Undated, attributed to year 3 (134/5
CE). ‘Simon’ (Paleo-Hebrew) within wreath of thin branches wrapped around eight almonds, with a
medallion at top and tendrils at bottom; pairs of dots between each section of wreath. Rev. ‘For the
freedom of Jerusalem’ (Paleo-Hebrew), two upright trumpets with dot between. (Mildenberg 131 (O19/
R91); TJC 276; Hendin 1426). Legend of the host coin of Trajan clearly seen on the reverse. Toned.
Extremely fine.
$ 600
Purchased privately from D. Hendin, November 1985.
Like many zuzim, this coin uses a Roman provincial drachm of Trajan as its host. Like his successor Hadrian, whose policies in
Judaea triggered the Bar Kochba War, Trajan faced a Jewish uprising in the diaspora of 115-117 CE while he was campaigning
against the Parthians. After much bloodshed and many atrocities by both the rebels and the Roman forces under Lucius Quietus,
the uprising, commonly known as the War of Quietus, was crushed.