1798/7 S-151 R3 Overdate Small 8 over 7. PCGS
graded AU-50.
Frosty dark steel brown with lighter steel
brown and tan in protected areas. The surfaces are most-
ly smooth and attractive and the eye appeal is excellent,
but there are traces of reddish crust hidden in protected
areas around the eye and in the hair at the top of the
ear. The only notable mark is a peanut-shaped planchet
chip just right of the F in OF (as struck). E-MDS, Breen
state III early, with most but all of the fine die cracks
Breen lists for that state. In addition there is significant
die crumbling in the dentils from the date to left of the
lower curls. Struck slightly off center to K-3 affecting
only the dentils. This cent is plated in the 1991 Noyes
reference to illustrate the variety. Graded EF40 and
CC#3 in the Noyes census, his photo #20875. Bland says
EF40 and tied for CC#3.
Our grade is EF40+ sharpness
net VF35
. The attribution and Naftzger-Reynolds prov-
enance are noted on the PCGS Secure label.
Pop 1; none
finer at PCGS for the variety
(PCGS # 35996)
Estimated Value ............................................$15,000-UP
Ex Henry C. Miller, The United States Coin Co.
12/1917:427-withdrawn-unknown-B. Max Mehl (pri-
vately) 1947-Dr. William H. Sheldon 4/19/1972-R. E.
Naftzger Jr., 2/23/1992-Eric Streiner 4/5/1992 (Naftzger
collection envelope included and it shows an inaccurate
1798/7 S-151 R3 Overdate Small 8 over 7. PCGS graded
. Attractive glossy medium choco-
late brown with darker steel brown toning on the highpoints
and lighter brown in protected areas. The surfaces are smooth
and the eye appeal is excellent. Just a few minor contact marks;
a nearly vertical nick right of the top of the T in CENT being
a good identifying mark. Rare TDS, Breen state VIII late. All
the die cracks mentioned by Breen are present plus there is a
clearly defined cud break connecting the E in AMERICA to the
dentils above. The cud is not mentioned in the Breen encyclo-
pedia. Struck slightly off center to K-12.5.
Our grade is VG10+,
close to the PCGS grade of F12.
The attribution and Reynolds
provenance are noted on the PCGS Secure label.
Pop 1; 2 finer at
PCGS for the variety, 1 in F15 and 1 in AU50 (PCGS # 35996)
Estimated Value .................................................................$750-UP
Ex Heritage 5/31/1991:356 (lot ticket included).