Ex: Bought ‘for a trifle’ casually by coin-dealer Abraham Edmonds from a silversmith in the Strand.
Ex Thomas Dimsdale, Sotheby, 18th June 1824, lot 1788 sold for £30.
Ex Thomas Thomas, Sotheby, 23rd February 1844, lot 387 sold for £48 to dealer Cureton.
Ex James Dodsley Cuff, Sotheby, 8th June 1854, lot 1373, sold for £56/10 to dealer Webster.
Ex Major-General William York Moore, Sotheby, 21st April 1879, lot 255, sold for £86.
Ex The Hon. Robert W. Marsham, Sotheby, 19th November 1888, lot 731, sold for £290 to dealer Verity.
Ex Arthur Doveton Clarke, Christies, 15th June 1891, lot 364.
Ex Henry Webb, Sotheby, 9th July 1894, lot 692, sold for £250 to dealer Lincoln.
Ex Richard Manley Foster, Sotheby, 3rd November 1903, lot 243, sold for £310.
Ex Bernard M S. Roth, part I, Sotheby, 19th July 1917, lot 348, sold for £360.
Ex Lt.-Col. Thomas G. Taylor, collection sold privately to Spink and Son Ltd 1920.
Ex E S Morris as “Well known collector”, Glendining, 23rd-25th July 1923, lot 17, sold for £360 to Wheeler.
Ex Ernest H. Wheeler, Sotheby, 12th March 1930, lot 500, sold for £510 to Raynes (described in the catalogue at the time, as
being the finest).
Ex William Luard Raynes Collection, private transaction with Spink, Summer 1962. Sold by Spink and Son Ltd to Mrs Norweb,
December 1962.
Ex Mrs E. M. H. Norweb Collection, part I, Spink Coin Auction 45, 13th June 1985, lot 223, front cover coin.
Ex James Perley Storer, Spink Coin Auction 111, 21st November 1995, lot 101, coin featured on cover.
Ex Rowley Butters Collection, St James Auction 9, 18th June 2008, lot 333, main front cover coin.
PCGS certification 34313193. The most famous coin in the entire British silver series, Thomas Simon’s Petition Crown is
familiar to most collectors of the English series, and has always proved a key highlight in any auction sale, whether in Victorian
times or today. The latest thoughts on the Petition Crown and circumstances of the famous competition that resulted have been
written up by Marvin Lessen in an article in the 2005 British Numismatic Journal entitled “Notes on Simon’s Pattern (Petition)
Crown of Charles II.” From which the notes below are taken and acknowledged. Charles II at the time of his Restoration was
keen to consign the Puritan Commonwealth period to history, and with the coinage it was decreed in 1661 that all gold and
silver coins should be minted using the screw press method. The screw press machinery and castaing edge marking machine
that had been invented by the Frenchman Pierre Blondeau, had been installed separately from the Mint at Drury House by
the Strand, having previously been used to produce a series of pattern coins, in competition to the hammered workers in the
powerful Corporation of Moneyers. By the time of the Restoration Blondeau had returned to Paris and Thomas Simon who
had experience of the machinery under the Commonwealth had to reapply to be Chief Engraver in 1660. The post had already
been promised to the elderly Thomas Rawlins, and Simon was granted a position as Engraver, whilst the machinery was moved
across to the Mint at the Tower, which took till 1662. In the meantime Charles II appointed John and Joseph Roettier the Flem-
ish brothers, whose family had assisted him during his exile, as Chief Engravers, which caused a great deal of consternation as
they were from overseas. Ultimately this led to the famous competition between Thomas Simon and the Roettiers, with an order
issued on 7th February 1661/2 that they should each produce a pattern crown, stating ‘Whereas Wee have given order to Tho.
Symon one of Our Chiefe Gravers and also to John and Joseph Roettiers, Gravers to make the Stamps for Our Moneys by way
of the Presse Our Will and Pleasure is that they severally first make a triall piece of 5 Shillings in Silver according to Each other
draughts of heads and arms shewed unto Us with all convenient speed that may bee and that noe persons be suffered to disturb
or oversee their worke until ye same shal be perfected and presented to Us for Our Judgment therein.’ The portrait of the King
for the engravers to work from was executed by Samuel Cooper, the most sought-after miniaturist of the age, who had also
worked for Oliver Cromwell. John Evelyn the famous diarist, recorded on 10th January 1661/2 that he held the candle ‘when
Mr Cooper, ye rare limner, was crayoning the King’s face and head to make the stamps for the new milld money now contriv-
ing…he choosing the night and candlelight for ye better finding out the shadows.’ The competition was still in progress in mid-
April of 1662 as seen from a contemporary note that survives from the time speaking of the “contest in the Art betwixt them”.
By the 17th May 1662 the King’s loyalty to the Roettiers was proven as the contest ended, with a Royal Warrant in preparation,
which named John Roettier as Chief Engraver. When the warrant was issued 19th May 1662, it seems likely that Thomas Simon
may have missed the deadline for the end of the contest, though the Roettiers were clearly more in favor personally to the King
from the beginning. Subsequently Thomas Simon’s masterpiece of coin art, the Petition Crown was his final attempt to persuade
Charles II to change his mind. The resulting coin that appeared used Blondeau’s revolutionary new technique of edge lettering
to a new degree of small detail to plead with the King to reinstate him. To engrave a 34 word inscription of 160 characters of
varying sizes on a 35mm edge using only a very recently introduced technique, was a masterpiece of skill and craftsmanship,
that was widely admired at the time. Evelyn wrote ‘For the honour of our countrymen, I cannot here omit that ingenious trial
of skill which a commendable emulation has produced in a medal performed with extraordinary accuracy by one who, having
been deservedly employed in the Mint at the Tower, was not willing to be supplanted by foreigners.’ Although Simon’s petition
was unsuccessful, additionally we are told by Challis in his “New History of the Royal Mint” that the metallurgy was too inferior
to consider striking such high relief coins for currency, with the Roettiers being more successful as they had brought their own
Smith from Holland to help with perfecting their coinage. Thomas Simon continued to be employed at the Mint as one of the
engravers, having already produced the last hammered silver coinage of Charles II, and the new Scottish milled coins, along with
a new Great Seal. The contest winning Roettier currency Crowns had a further warrant of specification issued on 6 February
1662/3, with the first coins struck by the 9th March when Samuel Pepys recorded in his diary: ‘there dined with us today Mr
Slingsby of the Mint, who showed us all the new pieces both gold and silver that are made for the King by Blondeau’s way;
and compared them with those made for Oliver. The pictures of the latter made by Symons, and of the King by one Rotyer, a
German I think, that dined with us also. He extolls those of Rotyer’s above the others, and indeed I think they are the better,