Gupta Empire, Chandragupta II (380-414). gold Dinar (7.74 g). Horseman type, legend around nimbate
king riding right, on caparisoned horse. Rev. goddess seated left on wicker stool holding flower, symbol
above. (BMC 121 ff). Very Fine.
Gupta Empire, Chandragupta II (380-414). gold Dinar (7.67 g). Chatra type, king making offering at
altar, a dwarf attendant behind him holding parasol. Rev. The goddess Lakshmi, nimbate, standing left.
(cf BMC pl VII, 1). Well centered. Choice Very Fine.
Gupta Empire, Chandragupta II (380-414). gold Dinar (7.91 g). Archer type, class II, CHANDRA below
arm of king standing left, holding bow and arrow, garuda standard in field. Rev. Sri Vikramah, goddess
seated on lotus facing holding long-stemmed lotus and fillet. (BMC 77 and cf pl VII, 1-2).
Choice Very Fine.
Gupta Empire, Puragupta, c. (480-485). gold Dinar (9.32 g). Archer type, king standing left, long sash at
waist, holding bow with left hand, no lettering below arm, and arrow with right, Garuda standard in field
left. Rev. Goddess seated facing on lotus, holding flower and riband, Sri Vikramah. (BMC Pl XXI, 24-26).
. Extremely Fine.