2064 Rouble 1729.
Moscow, Kadashevsky mint
. 27.54 gm. “Fox-face” portrait, five rivets on
sleeve, pellet center reverse. Bit 122, Diakov 26, Sev 1018. Attractive old tone.
Extremely fine
$ 750
2065 Rouble 1729.
Moscow, Kadashevsky mint
. 28.83 gm. “Fox-face” portrait, Bit 112,
Diakov 27, Sev 1018-19.
About extremely fine
$ 600
2066 Poltina 1727 CПБ. Mintmark on both sides. Bit 160 (R1), Diakov 10, Ilyin (8
Rubl.), Petrov (7 Rubl.), Sev 911 (S). Crackling obverse laminations. At points of
Extremely fine
$ 2,000
2067 Contemporary ‘Swedish’ Counterfeit 5 Kopecks 1727. 17.63 gm. On this fasci-
nating piece, the pseudo-Cyrillic legends are completely blundered and nonsensical.
The crosses are missing from the crowns and the mint letters have been rendered
as two triangles. Even the date is barbarous, which would lead one to believe that
the engraver was either completely illiterate (not just illiterate in Russian) or
wanted the date to be deliberately obscure. That being said, the weight is within
overall range, while the edging is well done. A highly illustrative example of a
profiteer’s contemporary Pyatak copy
Good very fine
$ 400
Ex The New York Sale, New York, January 10, 2013, lot # 1054
2068 Nürnberg. Rechenpfennig - Jetton, nd (1727). Brass. By Johann Jacob Dietzel.
Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right; PETRVS II DG. RVSS. IMP /
Imperial eagle with St. George on breast; IOHAN.IACOB.DIETZEL. RECH.
Brilliant uncirculated
$ 200