Member’s Badge of the Society of Friends of the Airforce (ODVF),
Northwest Region
. Silver and enamels. Screwback. Biplane atop hammer and
sickle, red enamel star with “CCCP” above, legend: “O. ДP. BOЗД. ФЛOTA
C-ЗOБ” on blue enamel banner above. “(kokoshnik) 84” and maker’s mark “HБ”
on handle of hammer; kokoshnik mark on screwplate.
$ 750
3127 Lot of 5 early Soviet Aviation Badges:
• Member’s Badge of the Society of Friends of the Airforce (ODVF),
Northwest Region
. Biplane atop hammer and sickle, red enamel star with “1923”
above, legend on blue enamel banner above;
• Pilot Instructor – Red Army Airforce
. Triangular badge with pale blue and
white enamel, wings with propeller superimposed. “250” inked on back;
• Badge of Final Year Student of the 10
Military School of Pilots and
Plane over crossed swords superimposed on light blue enamel
rhombus with red enamel star;
• Badge of the Military School of Navy Pilots and Air-Observers
. Crossed
machine gun and bomb below and wings with red enamel star over crossed
swords and propeller above superimpose don wreath;
• Badge of Aircraft Technicians Who Finished a Military Aviation
Technical School of the VVS RKKA (Air Forces of the Workers’ and
Peasants Red Army).
Crossed hammer and adjustable wrench over aircraft
engine, red enamel star and wings above.
The first is silver, the others Bronze or Copper.
Well-preserved, Very fine-Extremely fine (5 pieces)
$ 1,500
End of Sale