Documented group of Hero of the Soviet Union Guards Colonel of Air
Force Pecheny N.N.
Group comes with:
• Order of Lenin #51883 (issued with the Hero Gold Star).
• Defense of Caucasus medal with certificate.
• Victory over Germany medal with certificate.
• 30th Anniversary of Soviet Army and Navy medal with certificate.
• Original 3.5"x2" photo of the veteran.
• 1947 Driver ID book (contains photo).
• Officer ID book (contains photo).
• Copies of official research from the Ministry of Defense of Russian Federation.
Includes award card, military record and citation for the title of HSU. English translation
attached. Comrade Pecheny participated in WWII since Aug. 1942. Squadron commander
of the 42nd Guards Air Regiment (4th Air Army, 2nd Belorussian Front), he completed
153 missions, personally scoring 20 kills, plus 3 shared victories. Title of Hero of the
Soviet Union bestowed on him on May 15th, 1946.
Полковник Печеный Н.Н. (на тот момент ст. лейтенант) на фронтах ВОВ с
авг. 1942г. Командир эскадрильи 42-го гв. истребительного авиаполка (4-я
возд. армия, 2-й Белорусский фронт), гв. майор Печеный на конец войны
успел совершить 153 боевых вылета, в 64 возд. боях лично сбил 20 и в группе
3 самолёта противника. Звание Героя Сов. Союза присвоено 15-го мая 1946г.
Small enamel chip by the loop on Lenin,
all other items in excellent condition
$ 3,500