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Pamphylia, Side. Silver Tetradrachm (16.80 g), ca. 205-100 BC. Deino…, magistrate. Head of Athena

right, wearing crested Corinthian helmet. Rev. Nike advancing left, holding wreath; in left field, pome-

granate; across field, magistrate’s name:


EI-NO. Seyrig 8; SNG BN 678-81. Excellent metal and lightly

toned. Extremely Fine.



Pisidia, Selge. Silver Stater (10.49 g), ca. 325-250 BC. Two wrestlers grappling; between, winged thunder-

bolt. Rev.


, slinger standing right, preparing to shoot bullet; in right field, triskeles above club

and cornucopiae. SNG BN -; SNG von Aulock -; SNG Copenhagen -; BMC -. Toned.

Extremely Fine.


From the Dionysus Collection

Ex Hauck & Aufhäuser 21 (2009), lot 188.


Cilicia, Kelenderis. Silver Stater (10.09 g), ca. 350-330BC. Nude youth, holdingwhip, dismounting fromrear-

ing horse right; in lower right field, monogram. Rev. KE


EN, kneeling goat right, head turned to look back;

below and in exergue, monograms; c/m: (man-headed?) bull standing right in incuse square. Cf. SNG BN

72 (lacking monogram in exergue); SNG Levante -. Very Rare. Toned. Nearly Extremely Fine. $1,000