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Lesbos, Mytilene. Electrum Hekte (2.52 g), ca. 412-378 BC. Helmeted head of Ares right. Rev. Helmeted

head of Amazon right in linear border within incuse square. Bodenstedt 65; HGC 6, 991. Choice Very




Lesbos, Mytilene. Electrum Hekte (2.55g), ca. 377-325 BC. Laureate head of Apollo, right, small coiled

serpent behind. Rev.

Female head right, hair in sakkos within linear square. Bodebsteadt EM. 100b (un-

listed dies); SNG von Aulock 1715; SNG Copenhagen 317. Choice Very Fine.


Ex: CNG 85, 15 Sept. 10, lot 413;

Ex: Leu 85, 6 May 2002, lot 302.


Lesbos, Mytilene. Electrum Hekte (2.56 g), ca. 377-326 BC. Wreathed head of Dionysos right. Rev. Head

of satyr facing within linear square. Bodenstedt 90; HGC 6, 1016.

Very Rare.

A magnificent example. Bold-

ly struck in high relief and perfectly centered.

Probably the finest known.

Nearly Mint State.


From the Dionysus Collection.

Although electrum had been popular for the first coinages of western Asia Minor, it was quickly superseded in most plac-

es by parted gold and silver coinages already in the sixth century BC. However, a few cities, like Mytilene, Phokaia,

and Kyzikos continued to strike electrum into the fourth century BC, often in concert, as a means of providing an inter-

national trade coinage for the Black Sea region. The somewhat outmoded alloy remained in demand by the grain-pro-

ducers and mercenaries of the north long after it fell out of common use in mainland Greece and Asia Minor.


Lesbos, Mytilene. Electrum Hekte (2.54 g), ca. 377-326 BC. Head of Kabeiros right, wearing pileos; two

stars flanking. Rev. Head of Persephone right within linear square. Bodenstedt 99; HGC 6, 1025. Boldly

struck with lustrous surfaces and perfectly centered. Superb Extremely Fine.


From the Dionysus Collection.