Sicily, Syracuse. Deinomenid Tyranny. Silver Tetradrachm (17.07 g), 485-466 BC. Struck under Gelon I,
ca. 480/78-475 BC. Charioteer, holding reigns and kentron, driving slow quadriga right; above, Nike flying
right crowning horses with wreath. Rev.
, diademed head of Arethusa right, wearing pearl
necklace; around, four dolphins clockwise. Boehringer 175 (V75/R122); Randazzo 343 (same dies). Fine
archaic style. Attractively toned. Extremely Fine.
From the Dionysus Collection
Ex Hirsch 267 (5 May 2010), lot 77.
Highly Prized Double Signed Syracuse Silver Tetradrachm
Sicily, Syracuse. Second Democracy. Silver Tetradrachm (17.20 g), 466-405 BC. Obverse die signed by
Euainetos, reverse die signed by Eumenes. Ca. 413-405 BC. Charioteer, holding kentron and reins, driving
galloping quadriga right; above, Nike flying left, holding wreath in both hands, from which hangs tablet
inscribed EYAIN/ETO in two lines; in exergue, two dolphins confronted. Rev.
N, Head
of Arethousa left, wearing hoop earring and necklace; below, EVMHNOV; around, four dolphins. Tudeer
43 (V14/R25); SNG ANS 270 (same dies); BMFA 408 = Warren 375 (same dies); Dewing 845 (same dies);
BMC 148-9 (same dies); de Luynes 1204 (same dies); Ward 279 (same dies). Attractively toned. Slight die-
shift on obverse. Nearly Extremely Fine.
From the Dionysus Collection
Ex Ceresio I (26 September 1987), lot 50.
This tetradrachm, probably struck in the aftermath of the crushing Syracusan victory over the Athenian expedition in 412 BC,
belongs to the celebrated signing artists series. While the signature of Eumenes on the reverse is fairly standard in its appear-
ance below the neck truncation of Arethusa, that of Euainetos is quite playful on the reverse. Rather than simply signing his
name to the die, the master engraver has modified the standard depiction of Nike above the quadriga so that she carries a tablet
inscribed with his name - a brilliant example of the kind of artistic innovation that characterizes much of the signing artists