Anastasius I, 491-518. Gold Solidus (4.49 g). Mint of Constantinople. D N ANASTA-SIVS PP AVG,
pearl-diademed, helmeted and cuirassed bust facing, slightly inclined to the right, holding a spear and a shield.
Rev. VICTORI-A AVGGG ? Victory standing left, holding chi- rho headed cross, a star on left, CONOB
in exergue (MIB 7; DO 7; S 5). Broad flan, well-struck and quite lustrous. Nearly Mint State.
Justin I, Gold Solidus (4.41g), 518-527. Constantinople, D N IVSTI-NVS PP AVC, helmeted and cui-
rassed bust of Justin I facing slightly right, holding spear over shoulder and shield. Rev. VICTORI-A
AVGGG, angel standing facing, holding long cross and globus cruciger; in right field, star; Officinae A//
CONOB. DOC 3a; SB 56. Lustrous. Extremely Fine.
Justinian I. Gold Solidus (4.46 g), 527-565. Thessalonica, 538-545. D N IVSTINI-ANVS PP AVI, hel-
meted and cuirassed bust of Justinian I facing, holding globus cruciger and shield. Rev. VICTORI-A
AVCCC, angel standing facing, holding staff surmounted by staurogram and globus cruciger; in right
field, star; CONOB. DOC 7 (Constantinople); MIBE 22 (Thessalonica); SB 138 (Constantinople).
Well struck and perfectly centered. Mint State.