Masterpiece Akragas Silver Tetradrachm, ca. 409-406 BC
Sicily, Akragas. Silver Tetradrachm (17.11 g), ca. 409-406 BC. Nike, holding kentron and reins, driving
galloping quadriga right; above, Nike flying left, crowning Nike with wreath; in exergue, ketos right. Rev.
ANTINON], two eagles standing left on dead hare, the closest eagle with wings closed and head
raised, the further eagle with wings spread and head lowered; in left field, cicada. HGC-2-84; Seltman,
(1948), 1 (three examples cited); SNG Copenhagen 24.
Extremely Rare.
Fine style and well struck in high
relief. Light grey toning, very slight area of porosity. About Extremely Fine.
From the Dionysus Collection.
Ex Gorny & Mosch 138 (7 March 2005), lot 94
Ex MMAG 61 (1982), lot 34.
The reverse depicting two eagles over the body of a hare is perhaps one of the most iconic types in the Akragan-
tine series. The type is executed with great skill, illustrating the great birds with their prey. In the background one ea-
gle spreads his wings and leans forward to be the first to peck at the carcass while the eagle in the foreground throws its
head back as if screaming in triumph. The animated quality of the scene and the emotion it conveys is so remark-
able that one can almost imagine the engraver witnessing the scene in life before committing it to the die for all time.